important note

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rewriting this bc this is important and the way i worded it before was weird

to get to the point, asher was a weird, confusing dickwad the first time i wrote this. he said things he shouldn't have and acted in ways that completely contradict his character, and what i assume saiki would even consider dating

i'm fixing the story, which has been going on for the course of two?? or so years now? lol. all of the old chapters are drafts, i'm just rewriting and fixing up each one.

thanks to those who've stayed, it's really motivated me to do more. suggestions are appreciated, the comments i receive already do a ton for me. thanks guys <3

also, the specials i had written before i decided to rewrite... i'm considering just making new ones, if there will be any at all. honestly, this story is so boring to me and i just want to hurry and finish 😭😭 but, we'll see how it goes.

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