Chapter 7

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Violet's arm where she'd gotten the shot was bright red and irritated. The needle had been long, and its prick felt like a bite. She rubbed the spot because it itched as she walked through the front doors of Southside High School just before noon. The doctor said he would give her two more shots over the next two weeks as a precaution against rabies. Violet hated needles and tried not to think about a return trip to the doctor's office as she dropped off her excuse note for being late in the principal's office. She then headed off to class.

Down the hall, a large crowd had gathered outside the lunchroom. Her fellow classmates pointed at something on a large bulletin board where all the school's official news was posted.

Violet slowed her walk as she approached the crowd, trying to remember if there had been some recent student council election or cheerleader tryout results that usually drew gawkers.

She saw Pamela jumping up and down with her hands over her mouth. Her face was as red as her hair. Hannah was near her, giggling dramatically and chattering with three girls who stood around her. Another girl, Alex Lee, who played on every sports team at school, traded high-fives with two other tall girls on the basketball team.

Violet reached the edge of the crowd, and Pamela caught sight of her and screamed with excitement. She ran straight for Violet and grabbed her shoulders.

"We're on the court! We're on the court!" she said. "Look up there!"

Before she knew what was happening, Pamela grabbed Violet's wrist and dragged her unwillingly into the crowd. Violet strained her eyes and saw a posting that said in bold letters:

Southside High School Autumn Queen Court

Pamela Waters

Hannah Carlson

Krissy Parker

Alex Lee

Violet Johnson

Violet read the list three times, to make sure she understood why her name was there, while Pamela hugged her neck and jumped up and down.

"I'm on the court?" Violet asked aloud, dumbly. It seemed impossible. It seemed like a mistake. The Autumn Queen was presented at the final football game of the season and ruled over the Autumn Town Parade and Dance.

"Um, yeah," Pamela said, letting go of her but still grinning. "Of course, you are. You're like Chip's girlfriend. I mean you're great, too. And I'm not even mad at you anymore for letting Doug kiss you when he thought you were drowning. Just think, either one of us could be Autumn Queen when they have the runoff vote!"

"Yeah, it's really exciting." Violet said this even though she wasn't excited. She couldn't imagine anything worse than winning and having the whole town staring at her. Everyone was staring at her already. Violet felt like a social media star who was out shopping and who'd suddenly gotten noticed.

"Hey," Chip said coming over. "I heard the news. You're probably gonna be Autumn Queen, babe. Everyone is saying they are voting for you."

"They are?" Violet was speechless. She felt embarrassed and a little proud at the same time. A part of her couldn't help but imagine all the people who voted for her to get a nomination. There had to be so many.

"They are," Chip promised her.

"I don't feel like I should be up there, you know, like my name shouldn't be on the list," Violet said, even though she realized all at once that she was flattered. "I mean it's no big deal."

"Of course, it's a big deal, babe," Chip said. "People are tired of fakers, like Krissy. You are the dark horse candidate."

Violet laughed. "Krissy would be mad if I beat her out for Queen, wouldn't she?" She scanned the crowd for Krissy, hoping she was there. Violet would've felt relieved if she suddenly saw Krissy somewhere in the crowd glaring at her with daggered eyes.

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