"Fools. Fools all of you." He shouted. His voice was rough, as if his throat had been injured. "Do you think you are safe by virtue of being across the mountains from the hoard of fiends that have ravaged the land to the east? This world will fall to the ruins, and Sige will be the first to be razed to the ground. The Emerald Ruin is the first to enact this new age of Navain. He will-" The dragonborn was cut off when the lever behind him was pulled and the floor beneath him fell away. The dragonborn fell downward, however before he hit the ground, nearly 15 feet below him, the rope around his neck was pulled taught and it tightened around his throat.

A few light gasps and awws were heard from various people within the crowd as the prisoner hung only a few feet in front of them. Then Sigfried stepped forward and spoke once again. "Let this act here be a lesson to those who wish to sully the land in which we reside. We will not fall to the demons and devils that knock on our gates. While we are not on the front lines fighting, we still aid our brethren in other ways. Through the provisions we grow to keep the soldiers of this country fed. Keep up the good work to aid our men who fight." With that he stepped away and off of the platform, cheers from the crowd roaring in his ears.

Slowly, the crowd dispersed and Darris could finally see the corpse of the prisoner, still hanging from the rope. From underneath his scales, his mouth and even parts of his eyes rose the familiar golden mist of a soul.

"Oh Darris, hey." He was snapped from his thoughts by the sound of a vaguely familiar voice. He turned to see the girl from the fountain who he'd seen reading a book on magical runes, Susain, who was breaking her way through the dispersing crowd.

"Oh hi." Darris retorted, turning to Susain. "Didn't expect you to show up to an execution."
"Well it wouldn't be 'polite' if I didn't show up to the execution my dad was observing." She mentioned, pointing back to Sigfried who was waving away a few townspeople who were attempting to ask him questions.

Darris's eyes widened slightly. "You're the Reeve's daughter?" He asked.

Susain simply nodded. "Yep, and my older brother is the one who pulled the lever. I'm pretty sure he was at the smithy just before my dad called."

"Why do the children of the Reeve need to show up to a public execution?" Darris asked, looking back at the prisoner hanging from the platform; the golden glow of his soul having faded from his body.

Susain shrugged. "Public image I think. My dad just says we need to look controlled and organized. Otherwise people won't listen."
Then another, more stern voice rang out. "Darris, come on, we have things to do." Svalken said, beginning to walk away.

"Where are we going?" Darris asked, turning to look at the dark elf as he continued walking away.
"Provisions. We are leaving soon." He called back.

"I'm not leaving yet." Darris demanded, a bit louder than he'd intended.

Svalken hung his head before turning to Darris and taking several steps toward him. "That isn't for you to decide, Darris." He said. He glanced toward Susain then back to Darris. "Meet me in town square at sunset. If you aren't there then I will come to look for you; and I won't be nice about it." He said glaring into Darris's eyes.
Darris saw brief flickers of silver souls behind Svalken's eyes. Hundreds of them. A large variety of creatures dwelled within him. He saw many laughing goblins. He saw a roaring manticore. Finally, he saw the piercing roar of a dragon. Its scales were pitch black. Its eyes were a slimy green. Two pointed horns thrust forward from the sides of its head. Then the dragon turned and lunged toward Darris. Darris took half a step back and blinked a few times, trying to shake the image of the dragon from his mind. He sighed. "Town square at sundown; fine." He agreed.
"Don't forget." Svalken called before turning and walking away once again.

A few long seconds of silence fell upon Darris. No sounds except the pattering of people's footsteps on the pavement.

"Was... that your dad? He isn't a human. He's a drow right?" Susain asked from behind Darris.
"Oh.. no, he isn't part of my family; and I think so" Darris responded, glancing back to where Svaklen had disappeared.

"Then where is your family? Do they live in town?" She asked.

Darris glanced passed Susain and toward Sigfried as he faded away into the crowd as he walked away. "My family.... It's a bit complicated." He responded, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Oh, I see." Susain said. She took a few steps forward and leaned toward Darris, lowering her voice. "He didn't like... kidnap you or anything, right? I can call a guard or something." She offered.

Darris took half a step back, barely suppressing a chuckle. "No no, he didn't kidnap me. I assure you." He replied, although he didn't necessarily know if resurrecting someone from their grave is considered 'kidnapping'.

Susain laughed. "Ok good. Can't be too careful. But anyways, that man said you had to be here at sundown?"

Darris glanced down to where Svalken had disappeared into the crowd. "Yeah, his name is Svalken. He's... my guardian, I guess." Darris explained.

"Alright well we have about 14 hours until you meet with Svalken. Have you been to the Rusty Cup before? It serves great-" Susain began.

Darris finished with a smile. "Seared lamb? Yeah, I've been there a few times. It's delicious. Me and my brother used to..." Darris's voice trailed off when he noticed what he was saying.

"You have a brother?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

Darris looked to the floor then to the sky. "Not anymore, no. He was a hard worker." Darris said, a sudden solemness clouding over him. "And my sister was sweet, if not a bit annoying at times. My mom was really nice. She made amazing food. And then there was my dad, he was..." Darris's voice faded as he looked to Susain. She glared at his illusory with a gentle sadness and wonder. Her eyes looked as if they were about to tear up. She had the look of someone who wanted to say something, but didn't know what. Darris took a deep breath and spoke again. "Your name is Susain Grimhul, right?"

Susain blinked a few times as if she had been in a daze a moment before. "Um, yes my family name is Grimhul."

Darris clutched a fist to calm his nerves before releasing it. "Can you come with me for a moment, please? I need to tell you something." He said. Darris turned and began walking before he even heard an answer.

Susain had begun to speak but stopped before words left her mouth. She then decided to follow Darris. Although she was somewhat nervous as to where he was leading her.

Darris weaved through many buildings and alleyways, moving through the small maze of streets. Susain couldn't help but notice that none of the turns Darris took seemed random, as if he knew the town. However then he stopped in an alleyway that faced out to the street. Across the street was a large house, one of the few in the town with a yard surrounded by metal fencing. The house was two stories high, the only one of its kind within Vanderin. Considering its space it was often used as much more than a house.

"This is my-" Susain began, stopping just behind Darris, however he spoke over her.

"It was mine too." He stated, turning around to Susain who now wore a look of confusion upon her face. "My full name is Darris Grimhul, and, as far as my understanding goes, I have been resurrected by the dark elf you say before."

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