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"Suspect Desmand Jepperson. My name is Super Intendant Oliver Lark, here with my partner in this investigation, DCI Braylon Parlash. We are now officially recording this suspect interview over the potential involvement of the disappearances of Hazel Grashion  and Francis Postell."  SI Lark spoke clearly and directly, keeping eye contact with what seemed like an angry Desmand, sitting across from him. 

"Right, let's start with you leaving Genevieve and your children. You left your family just days after Hazel was born, is this correct? "Yes, I left my wife and children for a younger woman who then left me a few years later. This is not brand new information."  He said with a straight face, with no emotion. "And then you came back five years later to take your child from a good family."  DCI Parlash spoke up from her chair next to her boss, glaring at him. "I am sorry however you are Incorrect Super intendant. Even if I had taken her, which I did not, might I add, I would've brought her into a space of security and education. She would have been sent to a good school and taught etiquette and life skills. If I had her, you would have known because she would be in the newspapers being recognised for the young lady she was. That is why I am here for Clara. At least one of my children needs to be successful." Desmand stated with a straight face. Both police officers looked at him in shock wondering if this was scripted in any way, Oliver then cleared his throat and continued. "So you are saying you did not kidnap your daughter. Do you have an alibi to back it up?"

"Yes, actually I do," Desmand stated, taking out a card from his jacket and placing it on the table, pushing it towards the officers with a smirk, SI Lark waved someone in who took the card and walked out of the room, Desmand watching them like a hawk. "This is my wife's number, call that and she will attest that I was with her the day my daughter went missing. My now wife was my fiance at the time, 12:30 pm on July 18th 2000, My wife and I were attending wedding preparations for our big day. We were wedding cake testing followed by looking at the garden we were going to get married in, I assure you I was surrounded by many people that day who could prove I was there. I did not kidnap Hazel." Just as he finished speaking, the man that walked out with the card came back in and whispered into SI Lark's ear, getting a look of defeat, which made Desmand lean back in a relaxed state. 

"And what about Francis Postell? Where were you on the 26th of July at 2:30 pm, the day Frankie Postell went missing"  SI Lark said, glaring at him, his hands clenching into fists as Desmand took a deep breath and spoke calmly and clearly, looking SI Lark in the eyes?

"Super Intendant Lark, I apologise for my upcoming language but why the fuck would I kidnap a young girl I do not know? What purpose would it serve me? None. However, you would still want to know so here it is. On July 26th at 2:30 pm I was picking up my wife's child from school, his school will confirm this if you call them as it is less than a month ago. May I go now? I must go speak to my daughter and smooth this whole messy situation out and considering you don't have anything to hold against me, there is no reason to hold me here" Desmand stated, about to stand up from his chair when Oliver Lark spoke, making him sit back down.

"Desmand Jepperson, I may not be arresting you for the kipping of any girls, however, you have neglected to pay child support for just under 5 years and that is an arrestable offence. We will be keeping you here until we can confirm your alibi and how much you owe Genevieve and Clara regarding the child support. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to find two missing girls and bring them home to their loving families. Goodbye." SI Lark started getting up and walking out, leaving DCI Parlash to arrest Desmand and take him to the cells. He needed to find something to link these cases and bring his kidnapper to justice, and he needed to find it now. I get up and decide to gather my team up and continue this investigation, we will find those girls.

"Alright people! It has been 15 days since Francis has gone missing. What is the latest we have?" SI Oliver Lark spoke in the meeting room with his team, DCI Parlash is in the neighbouring room with her team going over Hazel Grashion's case in extreme detail. They needed to find something and so did we, how did we still have nothing so far in this case, with two girls missing there had to be something we are missing.


Oliver Lark felt so overwhelmed and needed some air, he needed to re-focus on this case. He decided to go back to the park where Francis Postell was taken and see what he could find. He then slowly walked the exact path Francis did to see if he missed anything, he had to have missed something, it was just almost too clean, too much of a professional job. Lark was walking slowly, looking at the ground when he stopped walking, noticing he reached the place where she was abducted, his heart was riddled with guilt when it set in that she was not safe yet, her location was still unknown. 

He looked around the scene, trying to piece together what happened in his mind when he looked diagonally and noticed, behind the thick trees, there was a two-story house looking directly into the park, specifically where Francis was abducted. If someone was home during this time, they could have possibly seen something vital to the case. Lark started jogging to the house, crossing his fingers as he knocked on the door when seconds later someone answered.

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