🎃🕯Chapter 11: Peace At Last?🕯🎃

Start from the beginning

He stops suddenly and looks at her. "You're gonna turn me into one of those fat, useless contented house cats." (A/N: Binx, ever so slightly calling out my two bengal cats - thanks, my dude 👏🏻👏🏻😌)

Dani giggled. "You betcha."

I burst out laughing and wiped a tear from the corner of my eye. "That by far, has to be the funniest thing you've said in 300 years."

Thackery rolled his eyes. "Yes, alright, keep laughing. Let me know when you've finally come up with something to say that's laughable, and I'll be the one laughing instead if you do." Everyone laughed.

"He got you there, Angie." Allison said.

"Fair enough, I suppose." I said.

Thackery climbs on the bed and lays beside Dani. "You know Binx, I'll always take care of you, and my children will take care of you, too, and their children after that, and theirs after that. Forever and ever. And Angie will help take care of you, too....always...." Dani trailed off until she was eventually fast asleep. Allison and Max also drifted off to sleep, leaving just myself and Thackery awake.

"Thackery, do you have moment?" I asked.

He picked his head up and glanced at me. "For you? Always." He carefully slipped out of Dani's hold and jumped down next to me. "It's been quite the night, hasn't it?"

I chuckled. "Like the time Elijah tried to express his love to a girl in the village, but ended up falling face first into the mud and got her dress dirty. She was not pleased at all."

"So that's why she was angry when she glared at Elijah every time she saw him." Thackery laughed. "Of course, you and I were both there when it had happened, but I always assumed the reason she was angry was because he called her by her sister's name instead." We both sighed at the same time.

A thought had crossed my mind about what happened earlier. "Thackery, what did you mean earlier on when you said 'my Angel' to that high school student?"

"I meant what I said, and I regret nothing."

I felt my face heat up and my heart beat start to race. "Thackery...you-"

He jumped on my lap and was staring right at me. "Evangeline, 300 years ago, on this very day, you and I made a promise to speak to each other about something that was very important after we try to rescue Emily. Although we could not save her, I think now is the time to finally come right out and say it. I believe that 300 years is long enough to wait to tell you the words I have wanted to say for a very, very long time."

"Well, I'm all ears now." I joked a little.

"I love you."

My eyes went wide. "Thackery-"

"Splendora Evangeline Sanderson, I've been in love with you since the day we first met when you tripped over and brought us both down into a well. I never believed that Angels fell from heaven, but when I met you, that changed, especially when I saw you walking around the village and helping those less fortunate. When I learned that you were a Sanderson witch, I knew that you were nothing like them at all. You were, and still are, the complete opposite to them; a good witch. I even made sure that the villagers knew that as well."

"I'm sorry if this sounds like one of those cheesy vows couples say at weddings. I was going to use a quote from William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, but I thought that those words might have bored you to death." Thackery finished.

I didn't realise that I was crying until he gently wiped a few tears away with one of his paws. "Thackery Binx, you certainly know how to make a girl cry, don't you?"

He avoided my gaze and looked elsewhere. "I'm sorry to have upset you Angel, but I couldn't possibly continue on without at least keeping my promise to you. I do not want to carry on living life knowing that I have regrets."

"What are you apologising for exactly?" I enquired. "You have done nothing wrong."

He looked at me in confusion. "But Angel, you're-"

"Tears of joy." I chuckled. "They're tears of joy, Thackery. Want to know why? Because I feel the exact same way, Thackery. I always have, and I always will. Nothing and nobody, not even Winnie, will try to change that." Thackery's eyes glossed over. "Why did you have to do that as a cat? Giving me the cute adorable cat look that cats are capable of doing. Just...stop."

He blinked a few times and glared at me. I was trying so hard not to laugh right now. "I am not cute, nor am I adorable. One does not simply describe a man with sweet compliments such as those. Nevertheless, I shall accept them because you were the one to say them."

I smiled and patted the top of his head gently. "You may not look like a man right now, but soon I will find a solution that'll turn you back into a human again, if that is what you really want."

He gave me a hopeful look. "As much as I appreciate the idea of living as the Dennison family's house cat, what I truly desire is something that I may not be able to have because I'm...well...a cat."

I raised an eyebrow. "Thackery, are you trying to say what I think you are trying to say?"

"Well, if you mean by the fact that I want our friendship to into something more, then yes." He tilted his head to the side slightly. So adorable~ "I won't ask you to agree right now, given the obvious fact that I am currently of a completely species to you right now, but when you are able to turn me back into a human, which I believe deep down that you can do so, I will ask you what the mortals of today would ask the one they love."

"Will you do me the honour of becoming my girlfriend and allow me to take you out on a date?"

I nodded and hugged him close to me. "Of course I will, Thackery. I've been waiting centuries for you to ask. However, I am more than happy to wait for you to go back to being a human before we do anything couples would normally do, purely because I'm not a furry."

"Of course you're not a furry animal." Said Thackery. "That's just silly."

I shook my head. "Never mind, Thackery. Never mind. Anyway, we should get some sleep. Now that they are no longer here, we can finally get some peace at last."

I gently placed him beside Dani's sleeping form before clicking my fingers, making a few blankets and pillows appear for me to use. I set the pillows on the floor and laid down, releasing a yawn as I did so. "Goodnight, Thackery."

"Rest well, my beloved Angel."

**End Of Chapter 11**

Happy Halloween ya bunch of ghouls!!

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