Chap 24: Meeting in Middlesins

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"He's her father?" A brown haired green eyed boy around 11-12 asked confused.
"He's really your father, Shariar?" A black haired blue eyed boy around the same age as my daughter asked. Black hair was common in this Empire so I wasn't shocked to see a person with my features.

But since we were out here in Middlesins not as royalty but as rich Merchants to fit in the crowd, I had changed my hair to brown hair using a bit of magic via a magic ring brought by Empress. I was now brown haired and blue eyed. My wife now had pink hair and blue eyes.

"He is my... Father?" Said my daughter, as confused at my changed physical appearance as the young men due to me appearing out of the blue in front of Shariar.

So how did we get to this? This is what happened:

We saw the princess leaving. I asked Janiel to send gaurds after her and bring her back but then I thought would she really come back? She might threaten the gaurds and send them back empty handed instead.

So I thought of going there myself. I told Janiel to order gaurds to disguise themselves as common people and follow us.

I then went in to apologise to Empress as at that moment rather than spending time with her, it was important to actually stop princess from going any further because if anyone gets to know who she is, she might even get killed. I might be nice towards people now and a better emperor than the previous puppet one but still I do have enemies. So if they strike at her first, then it would be really bad.

But something which I didn't think about happened.
"I wish to come with you." She said.
"What?" I was quite surprised.
"Its a tradition in the Empire to give the wife anything she wants on the first night after marriage. So I wish to come with you. I always wanted to explore the palace outside the palace walls. "
”well yeah that's true but..." I am going to discipline my daughter there. Don't you think it would send the wrong message that you wish to see family drama?
"I will stay away from you if Emperor thinks that I might be getting involved in personal business."
"You knew that from my face?"
"Ofcourse not. But as Emperor has remarried me and has a child who is an adolescent, it might give an impression like that. It takes time for people to become close and I cannot expect to become so close to the Emperor and the princess that I would dare to get involved in such a sensitive matter."
"I understand. You may come and this is also because I respect your wish more than the traditions."
Her face seemed to lit up at that. I think whatever I said must have made her feel good. Because many don't respect women here so...

"On that note Emperor, I even have these rings. They have magic in them and can change appearance of a person based on their body type. I brought them from my Empire. It is famous for magical items like these."

"Maybe you should wear them first. Should I trust her on this?   We might be closer but what if she has had intentions against me? I seriously have become paranoid that anyone would kill me at anytime that I can't really bring myself to trust others. I wonder if this would result in me getting killed sometime in the future or not.

She took one of the rings and wore it. Her hair color suddenly changed to pink even her eye color changed. Then she gave me the ring. After wearing it I didn't feel anything strange, I guess this is legit, but then when I looked in the mirror on my right hand side, my hair color changed to brown and my eyes changed to blue. This shit is amazing!

After getting ourselves ready as rich nobles, I, Empress and Janiel along with guards in disguise went outside the palace. We had sent two gaurds to follow the princess and via a crow, they had been continuously sending us message whenever the princess and group went to another place.

At last, we managed to catch up with them due to this, in a fair in Middlesins.

When I saw first her in the fair she was enjoying and for the first time, I saw her smiling. That was something which I had not seen her do ever. Are these friends so dear to you that you can actually risk your life for them?

I don't think anything is worth your life. I stormed towards her when I saw her leaving the stall she was seeing previously. Janiel and Empress followed me anxiously, seems like they predicted I was very angry or maybe they must have feared I might hit her in anger.

I grabbed her hand and turned her around. It was obvious that she was offended and she might be saying in her mind "who the fuck are you  bitch?" And the men around her became protective including Jamie. Was I too rough? Oh my god! My life is too short to think whether I was too rough or not. Just lemme get over with it.

"Who-" she started.

"Please calm down." Janiel said, when he catched up with me.

"Father!" Jamie said shocked. Janiel had not changed any appearances that's why it was easy to recognise him.

"You are here too?" Janiel was shocked too. Fact is either Jamie or princess had not changed appearance neither a wig nor a magical item to change the look was used, thats why anyone could easily recognise who these idiots were. But what is shocking is that despite of the fact that Janiel came without changing his appearance, no one recognised him as my right hand man and found him coming here suspicious.

"No wait. If you are here then he is..." Jamie said looking at me. "Shariar's father?" Jamie was confused at my appearance but this wasn't all, there was more to this.

"He's her father?" A brown haired green eyed boy around 11-12 asked confused.

"He's really your father, Shariar?" A black haired blue eyed boy around the same age as my daughter asked. Black hair was common in this Empire so I wasn't shocked to see a person with my features. But what shocked me that my crackhead daughter had told him her real name and that the young men didn't even question how did she have the name of the royal princess of the empire which is generally not allowed to have by anyone especially the aristocrats or rich people. Are people here just dumb?

Oh god! Gimme a break am tired of finding so many loopholes over here. But for the record now you know how I ended up in this situation.

Konnichiwa Minna,
I promise I won't drag this family drama for long and quickly move on to the next major theme. The most awaited plot "Rebel against the Emperor."

I hope you all would bear with me for just one chapter because if I am being honest, I love to write family drama idk why but I just love reading and writing it. But also I need to move ahead with the story YK because I love to write character developments too.

So yeah mina-san, hope you like the next big challenge thrown in the way of the Emperor too.

And just a side question... What will the Emperor do according to you.


See you in the next chapter ~

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