Ch 19: Me v/s Consort v/s sisters

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As soon as the competition started, I jumped over to Consort Tresha's side and punched her, this shifted the sisters' attention to me who were planning to join hands against me and Tresha individually.

Tresha defended herself at the right time. She squat down after getting punched and due to my strength, she was pushed back. Today we were fighting on a ring made of sand. Though she didn't lose after the punch but rather was pushed back, she caused sand particals to seperate from sand and fly in air. As I thought she was a strong opponent. This gave me a chance to talk to her.

I immediately hopped to where she was and whispered to her about forming a team with me. She agreed. I was also watching the sisters Ahana and Sahana. While I was doing all this, they kept still without attacking.

"You attack, I play along" I whispered to Tresha.

My plan was simple. Fake it till you make it. We were going to fake the fight between us and get on Ahana and Sahana individually.

I could see sand getting removed from view. What I intended to do was make more sand float in air,attack the sisters during that time and take over them.

Tresha started causally with a punch and I defended her.

The lotus feet technique is a technique mostly used while fighting on water. You put very light weight of yours on water to move from one place to another on water. Your movements have to be very fast for this.

While Tresha used the thousand persimmon technique, I used the lotus feet technique on sand to dodge her moves. This created sand to cover the view once again.

Now was the time. Tresha changed her direction to the first person she saw and punched her with all her strength and even became sneaky to temporarily paralize her vital points.

I was defending Tresha during that time but it seems like the sisters had no idea about what I intended to do.

She was still during the sand storm created by me. So still that it made me worry. Tresha came back to her position. We both now stopped and stood before each other.

She took the position to punch me while I took position of defending myself.

The sand storm soon subsided and things were back to normal. Tresha was panting. I wonder she's acting or not but when view was cleared, everyone could see Tresha panting and in position to punch me.

She then put her hand down and stood before me. Even I put my defence down. It was then that we realised one consort had fallen down.

It was Sahana who was attacked by Tresha and now was paralised. This caused her to fall on ground and faint.

One opponent down. Seems like Ahana had no idea what was happening. She was so surprised. But soon she grasped the situation. She gritted her teeth and looked at me angrily.

Uh... Well, not my fault you guys are dumb.

"Stop" the refree announced.

I glanced over at Tresha. She seemed to be panting more now. What happened? She was even sweating a lot.

"Consort Sahana defeated. Re-position yourselves."

When the refree said that we all chose different sides of the ring. I need to change the plan now. Aahana has known what we plan on doing.

I glanced over at Tresha. It felt as if she would faint over at anytime. Is she really alright? How is no one noticing this?

Oh! They don't care what happens to any consort what they want now is who will win the contest and become a finalist.

Tch. They do be thinking of us as disposable huh?

The refree started again.

"At the count of three"

No don't loose your cool. Stay calm and collected. You will eventually get a plan to get out of here.


He started counting again.

I looked at Ahana and Tresha. Tresha and Ahana were looking at eachother. I think Tresha will attack Ahana. Understood! I will defend Tresha.


I could tell that Tresha was not in her best now. I could see her fainting a bit.


Would she be alright?


As soon asthe refree said that I could see Tresha using the Sand Bird technique.

It's a technique to create a literal tornado in sand.

Why is she-

Wait a minute... Feeling like someone would faint, the person sweating profusely and even panting a lot. This can only mean one thing.

It was only a few seconds before I could see the tornado clear out and my two opponents in view.

Tresha had fallen down and on her hand, near her wrist, I could see two pins on her hand.

As I thought she was poisoned by Sahana when she attacked her. Though, Tresha managed to actually go through it and even defeat her, she still had to face the after effects.

But before the start of another round, she decided to attack Aahana without any thoughts over it and Ahana use the same technique.

But this time, Tresha fainted, tough she fainted in a way the poisonous needles on her hands could be seen easily.

I could see the terrified look on Aahana's face.

So basically, Tresha schemed against Ahana and Sahana to disqualify them from competition when Ahana chose to use poison needles on her when she was attacked by Tresha.

Now's my chance again.

"Consort Ahana and Sahana have cheated! Look at the two poison needles on Consort Tresha's hands! This is against the rules"

Aahana seemed to be out of it now. Her face literally said " you bitch!"

But well it didn't really say anything wrong... I was a bitch if anything.

Just a bitch to appear in your nightmares...

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