Ch 21: Becoming the Empress

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Seems like Consort Viera lost. She wasn't able to answer the second question. I was taken to the Emerald palace. It had been the Empress's palace for centuries. There I was tidied up and bathed in elegant soaps and oils. Dressed in red luxurious clothes and given a hearty meal.

Then was introduced to my servants and the lady in waiting who would tend to me. I was even given make up. Why? Because when the results were announced, I was immediately going to marry the emperor.

The things suddenly became more fast paced. Like any other girl, now that I was officially going to marry the emperor and not just be a consort but rather the Empress, I was excited to know how my husband would look like.

Well I did hear he was handsome but now that I was going to marry him, that curiosity increased.

I was taken to the former royal palace. For centuries after the new Arnian Empire was formed, that palace is used for marrying the Emperor and Empress.

Many say that used to be the main palace centuries ago. Well, being an Empress takes things on an other level. I remembered how Viera met me before leaving earlier. She said she was sorry for the trouble her sisters cases during competition.

Well she was kind by heart what's wrong with her sisters? Anyways...

I stood before the former royal palace. It was made of a very light brown colored rock. It didn't have any intricate designs but still looked elegant.

It was beautiful. I was led to the place where holy fire was placed. I was wearing a red luxurious robe and dolled with many jewelleries. My hairdo was looking amazing too.

In front of the holy fire we both would take our vows and then be married. My becoming the Empress ceremony would be held soon after.

"The emperor is entering!" The announcer announced.

Finally! The moment of truth! Is he handsome?

The door opened and I could see a man with dusky skin and emerald green eyes enter.

He had brown hair and loaded with gold jewellery all over his body. He was wearing the same red robes as me.

He was very handsome. As the rumours stated, the Emperor is very handsome.

For some reason now, my excitement increased. I could see the Emperor Shamel get down the stairs and come in front of me.

When he was coming down, I could see a silver haired golden eyed man following him. I think he might be his right hand man, Janiel...

He is his half brother too. They didn't have a great relationship to begin with but for the past few months it seems to have improved.

And the time this happens overlaps with when princess rebelled in court. Seems like it's due to the first princess these changes are happening.

I need to get her on my good side. Since she was able to change Emperor to this extent, I am guessing, she is not just a 12 year old.

This marriage is not a marriage out of love. It's a marriage of convenience. As long as I am loyal, attentive, and work towards betterment of Empire, I will be able to live long.

I could hear the priest say," Consort, do you promise to be by the Emperor's side in poverty and in richness, in health and in sickness, until death pulls you apart?"

"I promise" I said.

"Emperor, do you promise to be by the Consort's side in poverty and in richness, in health and in sickness, until death pulls you apart?"

"I promise" Emperor said.

I shouldn't expect a lot from this marriage. My only motive right now is to get things straight in Empire as the Emperor is intending to do.

As we wore rings that day and read our vows, I started to embrace my new identity as someone's wife.

We'll be together until death pulls us apart. This marriage of convenience... I don't know for how long will it last, but I will make sure to make the best out of it until I can.

And so... With new intentions and a new lifestyle, I set myself to live a new life...

The sun shining brightly that day, was like a sign that said that the road ahead is bright and things will become better in the future.

Konnichiwa Minnasan,

So this was the last chap of my 7 day writing challenge. Hope you guys would have liked the chaps from Empress's pov.

Stay tuned for more updates in the future. How did you like the story this far? Please tell me how did you like this story~

What was your favourite scene this far?

Comment down below~

I love reading your comments so am waiting for it. Haha~

This was also the end of Season 1 will return with Season 2 soon.

Ja Mata!

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