Chap-7: Interaction with princess

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While going through an experience of being a Father all of a sudden when this body is 28... And that too it became a parent at 16, I am guessing that this Emperor didn't only have a single child... Bruh!

I would have many more too. I hence decided to ask Janiel about it. How many concubines I have... Do I [hope not] hace any more children, etc...

I heard a knock on the door, hoping it was Janiel whom I called, I allowed them to come in,"Come inside".

But I again got a cultural shock when the person who came in was no one else than my daughter who became my daughter in the morning. It... Was awkward....

The doors closed behind her, and then I saw a terrified look... Like she was about to cry. But....

"I apologise Emperor. I disgraced you in the morning." She bowed and stayed still.

Living in such a pathetic empire the victim is to either become docile or maniac. If she were to be docile, she would just shut up and let whatever was happening during the proceedings happen. But that was not the case. She was terrified but still stood there. The way she argued with the Duke, ig.... She is way more than she looks. Living in such conditions, she must have matured quickly it happens because it was the same for me.

She is not a maniac yet, but in the process to become one. In normal cliche novels, it so happens that the heroine takes revenge against the bastard Emperor and kills him or tortures him. Thinking about my potential end... I was scared for a moment.


I came out of my thought, it was just when I thought that she looked really coldly towards me. It was evident that she bore hatred and would sooner or later plan meticulously to usurp my throne. And believe me! I am not overthinking it... That is because my second brother had that look on him.
Our father and mother raised us strictly... Creating competition between us... And my brother always had that look when he met me. In the end he was the one who colluded with the eldest to plot to kill me.

This strangely personal reason made me feel similar to her and that was when I decided to raise her... Such that the worst situation that I would would be possible due to her won't happen. Being sceptical... Raising her... Avoiding death.... Perfect plan for an Emperor to survive.

But right now I want her to go and let Janiel in atleast let me get to know about my family!🤧

"Emperor!" Oh! I guess I just spaced out for too long...

"Excuse me Princess. What were we talking about?"

"Emperor I came to apologise for my misdemeanor at the court today."

"There's no need for the princess to apologise. I would have never know the Princess would be so bold if you wouldn't have spoken up. I am not disgraced..."

"I see." She followed up as I completed my lines. Yup! As I thought a strong FL in making but...

"Thankyou for considering your lacking daughter today Emperor. I don't think you are feeling well, so I would take my le-"

"BUT! You for sure would disgrace me if you don't find any proof for your statement." She looked a bit surprised at that.

"Princess Shariar, know it well. 1 week is all I can offer. I would be investigating in this case seperately but don't rely on me. If you don't do anything, I would... But when I do that, I would punish both you and and the Duke. And when I get angry I become someone I don't want to. You must have seen that today right?"

"Ye-yes Emperor." Oh ho? Scared? Welp! I just want her to be inline. I am indirectly stating that to her. That is to say, if she tries to do anything funny for now, this would put a leash on her.

I went near her and bent to her level," Princess I know you would be able to do well, just don't forget about what I told today ok."

"Yes... Emperor" she averted her eyes. She was planning on something. I stopped her for now. But I should work towards building my trust for her. She should not be doing shit behind my back after all...

"Oh my... The princess seems sick now. Maybe you should leave now."

"Yes Emperor"

With this she left... Looking at that small figure go... I felt pitiful at her for going through hell... Making my resolution to straighten the Empire more.

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