Chap 22: What is important?

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I am so sorry for not posting for so long but believe me will be more active from now onwards. As of today, I announce start of season two. Hope you like it!

Shamel's POV:

You know what? In my past life, I heard in science class that until an external force doesn't exert strength on you, you can stay motionless. This also applies in real life and not physics, how? You earn money to eat, here the external force is fear of hunger which makes you work hard and earn rather than sitting like a couch potato.

Something similar happened to me. Life was going smoothly until I got to know this...

"She is doing what?!" I exclaimed surprised at what I just heard.

"Sneaking out of the palace to meet her lover" Jamie my dear step- nephew from my half-brother said.

I could have gone long without knowing this. The hell is this girl up to?

I slouched back on my chair. She is a princess, she should be more aware, but then again, I am the Emperor, her dad and still don't know where I stand in the Empire.

How did this happen? My brother's killed me and when I woke up, I saw that I was here in this useless Emperor's body. And then I also found this man is a bad Emperor concerned only if his well being and an ability that I can see emperor's memories by looking hard at objects or people.

I met many people and sought that I'd turn the Empire into a better place. I even got married a few months ago. Life was going smoothly but this gem was then dropped by Jamie.

My dear nephew who I didn't ask to spy on princess but still he comes and tells me things about her.

I wanted to respect her privacy no matter her age but Jamie constantly is... Ugh I told him not to. Now my peaceful life is destroyed and I have to think about where this girl , my dear daughter, princess Shariar goes.

I thought that I will make her crown Princess but didn't execute the idea thinking I will observe her more. Why? Cus this child of mine is not an ordinary one, she's fire, she can burn anyone and do anything she's two faced and shady.

Despite being 12, it feels as if she's is a schemer with years of experience. She does have some tricks up her sleeves she wouldn't have been able to bring information about farmers and proof against Duke in such a short time. From all that Jamie told me, shs does have potential but she's just using it at wrong place and that is, idk I just think that she is using her potential at the wrong place.

She is bold, something you don't find in women here but now this bold lady is...

Should I have been stricter? If this continues then it won't take time for her lover to become hero and princess to kill me and take over me. The thing I thought would happen the first time I laid my eyes on her. Gaahhhhhhh! I am just 28 people I ain't ready to die! Please!

Ugh! What to do?

"Hey wait! Princess knows that we talked about the incident which happened when I gave her time to find proof about Duke. How does she still trust you enough to say this?"

"She doesn't "

"Then how could you!" Ah! Wait! She must have let this information on purpose. Trying to lure me somewhere. Hmm not gonna fall for it or does she want me to think this such that she could do whatever.

Hmm... what to do? What to do?

"Ask the Empress" Jamie said.


"I just thought you needed help"

"Welp and I think you need sense of time. If your father knows you sneak out of house everyday and come here, god forbid, there would be a war at your house someday. So better you go"

"But what will you do?"

"My dear, let me tell you something. Never reveal what you intend to truly do and even if you do, always have a plan B"

"Understood, emperor. I will take my leave then"


To be honest, looking at how things are for past few months it's hardly possible for me to believe anyone except a few.

And one of them who I believe is Janiel, Jamie's step dad and my half bro.

Why? He's been loyal to me always and apart from being loyal he's an amazing human too.

Or should I just talk to princess about it without revealing Jamie's name?


Many options but she's at an age where people are sensitive would it hurt her?

Oh wait why bother when my life could be saved in future?

But I need to make it such that it doesn't sound sus... What to do? What to do?

Oh yeah! At a time when you don't know what to do, just do what you feel is important rather than thinking about others' feelings.

And for now what is important is stopping princess from sneaking out.
I won't humiliate her. What I will do is talk to her like an adult and rest we'll see.

And when will this happen? Tonight.

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