Chap 11- Choosing the Empress

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Welp am tired. Cus... Idk just am tired. SO... I decided on doing something. Which I didn't knew I would regret soo much...

Here's what I did:

A while ago:

I was working on some documents regarding population and on how to control it. And the stats shocked me... An average man here has atleast 3 kids like bro! At the bottom line there's three kids like c'mon how do you get that much time? Don't you have work?!

I feel so bad for the women right now cus they are jussst looked at like some sorta fertility ground to bear children. The population here right now is increasing more than COVID-19 cases.

Gah! And don't people have conscience? Like would you have housing and stuff to supplement your children even tho you increase your family now... What the f is the garantee that if they fall sick in between you won't have to spend money on them?

Fine mor people, more hands, more income, but if you poor to begin with, how TF do you expect to not spend a fucking lot of amount on so many kids while raising them and then force them in labour?

Geez... I am ashamed that this is the situation in my world which is said to be "progressive" too!

But I need to do something about it here since I am the Emperor now.

Gaah! How troublesome. But how to convey this message to peop-

Wait a minute! If at the very least people have 3 kids then how many do I have? I refuse to believe that I only have one... I know the og isn't a good man. He seemed to just run after money and intrested in luxuries. Shit!

How many kids do I have? Nooooo! What If I have like... A 50 of them?

*Sad Titan cries*

Like c'mon there's no condoms here... And polygamy rules... So people have 3 kids atleast cus they can't control their urges... So how many do I have? Kids... And wife's too?

Damn! How did I not realise it earlier? I am what you call a certified idiot...!

I feel bad now...


"The princess is entering"
"Why does she come here every day?"
And she came in... Nowadays even gaurds don't bother asking me wheather to send her in or not. Geez...

"Hello princess. What made you come here?"
"Did you do something about the Duke?"
"The court meeting is in the afternoon today, didn't I tell this to you before? It's not yet the time."
"I understand."
"Since yesterday you have been on it. Calm down please dear"
"Yes I understand., Sorry to disturb. Will go now..."
"While you are at it can you tell me how many I have?" Ig it's better to ask her. Hopefully she would know.
"I- what?"
"Children... How many of them do I have?" This question feels so weird... Makes me feel uncomfortable at many levels but still 😅...

I need to plan my future and the Empire's future.

"You have 10 of them from your 30 wives."
"So some of them are not pregnant right?"
"Yeah I think so... But why are you asking?"
"Cus am gonna divorce the ones who are not pregnant and ask them to do something"
She suddenly panicked. Ah in this world are the bad things happen. She must have thought I would be throwing them into slavery or something... But I am planning to train them... To earn money. Haha!
"Well let me just tell you then princess. So...."

My main plan was choosing the Empress to rule in my stead such that I can relax. So I thought those concubines who didn't have any child would take over the position of the Empress but after a small competition.

It would be controversial if I chose a concubine who had children. So I decided on one who didn't have any. In the competition, they will be asked to choose:- either warfare or administration. 

They would be narrowed down to one for administration and one for warfare. This would cut down the finalists to two, and one question would be asked to them which would be a neutral one regarding the empire. The one whose answer would be the best, would be chosen and the Empress and have half of my power that I exercise in the empire.

The ones who don't secure the Empress's position would be divorced by me and in return would be offered jobs for them to be self sufficient. Like this, they won't be tortured by their families even if they loose and can lead a life again.

Well according to me this was the best solution for the given situation. I hope it works...

From what I got to know from Shariar was that 4 of my concubines right now have 9 children and the 10th one is the princess. Out of them, one has triplets and the other has twins. While the other two has children born from me at two different times.

And lastly the princess's mother died so she is not even counted. Anyways...

About those concubines... I am thinking of making a new position of the Queen and having similar competitions just at not a very hard level like for the Empress.

The winner would be able to rule a part of the Empire, a kingdom... But would be looked over by me. But problems at local levels would be solved... Is what I intend for in this system.

And even one more person and her children would be out of the palace and I would ask them to permanently reside in there.

How about I give them  permission to date someone they want... Or whatever... Just be not known to the people... Like a secret date. Cus people love to talk.... Hmm sounds interesting... Should ask Janiel to implement on it.

And that's how the new policy was implemented with the Queen candidates secretly being informed about the dating permission if they won. And for the position of the empress, my other concubines were excited.

All in all both the Queen and Empress candidates along with people of the Empire seemed more interested than necessary... I guess that's cause... This empire is gonna change in places...

Haha, I am actually excited to see the changes it brings. How about you?

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