chapter 3

21 3 3

Jimin could feel the AC brushing against every inch of his skin. The outfit was way more revealing than he originally expected. Even the model pictures weren't this skimpy. Fuck you, Amazon.

"Jimin, you're up in 2. You got this, treat it just like practice."

"Thanks Youngjae..." Jimin says, nervously. Taking deep breaths, he could feel his hands shaking.

Slowly and anxiously, he steps on stage.

Though he wasn't the main dancer, he felt as if all the eyes were on him.

He loved this feeling.

Closing his eyes, and flushing away all his struggles and worries from his head (bye-bye student loans!), his body seamlessly and elegantly moved on its own, flowing along with the music.

Gripping the pole with two hands, he pirouettes and pushes off the floor, gracefully swirling around and around the bright pole, bringing his foot and arms in to achieve an effortless back ankle grip.

As he opened his eyes, the world spun around him like stroboscopic images, rotation after rotation.

He felt amazing.

'Damn Jimin, you were amazing out there! One of the best, or maybe even the best, performances we've seen, especially for a new hire!" Youngjae exclaims, handing Jimin a bottle of water.

"I felt amazing," Jimin breathlessly says.

"On another note, one client has requested you for a private show," Youngjae cautiously continues, "but, as a team manager and your personal mentor, I don't feel comfortable giving you this client request."

"Why not?" Jimin asks, picking up on Youngjae's guarded tone.

"He's one of our regular clients, and his requests are, how should I put this, he...he really pushes the boundaries." Youngjae sighs. "I know that you would love to do this, but I also care about your health, mentally and physically."

"Youngjae, I appreciate your concern but I think I can handle it. But, what is his request?" Jimin asks.

"He requested a champagne room."



For those of my innocent lil readers who don't know strip club culture then uhhh, I guess I'll be the one to enlighten you!

Champagne rooms are private rooms where the client usually requests to have sexual intercourse with the stripper (usually oral sex, but penetration is common as well). These are usually prevalent in higher-class strip clubs/bars as well, and of course, prices can vary. 

soo anyways yea.. also follow me on tiktok and insta to be friends <3

instagram: reki0x
tiktok: rekiry

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2022 ⏰

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