chapter 12

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Hiiii how are you all

I know I know I didn't update for long time..

Actually I have lot of idias for stories..
But it's so dificult to write stories on mobile...
And I don't have any laptop..
And also I have to concentrate on my studies..

Soo please forgive me

And also support me

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Can I expect total 350 votes
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If I deserve..
Love you ❤


Ember pov..

I woke up from little  Headache
I slowly opened my eyes..
I look here and there... I was in bed ...
What happened to me.. ??
Did Lucifer find me.. ..??   The thought of Lucifer finding me.. Sent shiver through my body..
I don't want to go that hell again please god save me...
If Lucifer is the one who find me..then
He will definitely gonna a kill me..

After some time I observe the room again  it was not that big .. But not much small also..
But I am sure it was not Lucifer
Because this room is not  luxurious
It's kinda.. Looking like some apartment room....

I remember something

I was on the rode.. I think I was about meet up with an accident.. But some old man saved me.. But he called me manya...

I was in my thought but it get cut off by door opening sound..
A young man may be he is 24 or something  come inside.. He is exactly looking like the younger version of that old man but...

How that old man turns into young man..??

He saw me his eyes got widen,..
He rushed towards me....

..?? : princess.. You woke up..
How are you feeling now... ??
And where were you all these day... ??

He asked me tons of question like nonstop train.. He didn't even let me answer...
I don't even know the answer dho..

Suddenly he hugged me tight.. Like I was some  precious thing..

Who is he..??
Why is he calling me princess..??
Why is he hugging me like this..??
I can sence this hug is not holds any bad intention.. But pure adoration...
Still it's uncomfortable..
He is some random stranger how can I hug him back..
So I didn't hug him back.. Then.....
He break the hug
...?? : what happened princess..? Why are you not hugging me back. .. Didn't you miss me..??
He asked me.. His eyes holds little tears...

What's happening here.. ?? Who is he...??
I was so confused.. So I asked.. Him

Ember : who are you..?? I ask him softly.. I don't want to hurt him.
But I think I did it.

..?? : what do you mean.. You don't remember me..?

I shook my head as no..

Ember: I don't know you..

...?? : don't frank me princess.. It's not the time..
Plss I now.. You are franking me right..
I know .. How can you forget your..
Manu bhai.. Haa..??
At this time.. He cupped my face.. He was looking soo helpless..

Ember :  bhai.. ??  ( I whispered  my self )I heard this word some where..
Yaa I got it.
In hindi It means brother.. I heard this in Indian movie..

Manu : yes princess..  You remember me now..?? He asked me...
His eyes holds nothing but hope..
He was seeking for his sister love.
I really don't want to disappoint him..
And most importantly
It's the best chance to escape from Lucifer..

Caged Moon LightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora