10- Tsuzumi Mansion

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Tanjiro has now managed to finally pull Zenitsu away from the first he was pestering earlier and the two found out they were heading to the same mission. They finally arrive at a clearing the woods where there is a large mountain in the middle, abandoned and a demonic energy emanating from the premises.

Zenitsu has finally calmed down but he finally decides to come clean to Tanjiro, "you know on second thoughts, I really don't think I'm gonna make it Tanjiro. Even if I go in there alongside you, I'm gonna be totally useless".

"The demon's scent is getting stronger" Tanjiro says ignoring Zenitsu's rant, "little by little, it's becoming harder to take in because of its strength. There's something in the distance too".

Tanjiro puts down Nezuko's box as he starts to look around, following where his nose takes him.

"I can smell blood. It's a particular scent" Tanjiro says as he stands in front of Zenitsu.

"You smell something?" Zenitsu questions as he looks at Tanjiro.

"It's something I've never smelt before" Tanjiro says, brows furrowed.

"I don't know about being able to smell anything, but do you hear that?" Zenitsu asks as he cups his hand around the back of his ear.

Tanjiro looks at Zenitsu but spots two children crouched down near a bush behind him. Zenitsu follows Tanjiro's eyeline and spots the two as well.

"Kids!" Zenitsu says worriedly.

"I wonder what's going on" Tanjiro says as he slowly approaches the two of them, "what're you doing here?".

The two children back off slightly, clutching onto each other, clearly terrified by something.

"They both seem really spooked out about something" Tanjiro says as he kneels down, "do you want to see something cool?".

Tanjiro does a small bird call as Zenitsu's sparrow Chuntaro flies over and lands in Tanjiro's cupped hands, "look, it's a tame sparrow".

Chuntaro tweets happily as the two children relax and they fall to the ground with a bump.

"Please, can you tell me what happened here?" Tanjiro asks calmly, "is this your house?".

"It's not. It's the house of a monster" the boy says, his voice shaking, "our big brother got taken away by a monster when we were walking back home at night time. Then a woman came out of no where. She had the same outfit as you, the black one and she had a sword as well. She told the two of the us to wait outside and she'd go get our brother for us before she ran inside the house. She hasn't come out since".

"The woman went into the house?" Tanjiro questions as the two children nod, "don't worry. We're going to save the woman who went into the house and your brother as well".

"Can you really do that?" the girl asks as Tanjiro stands up and nods.

"Tanjiro, can you hear that?" Zenitsu asks as Tanjiro walks over to him, "it sounds like a drum".

All of a sudden, there is a loud rapid drum sound as the doors of the top floor fly open and two people come flying out, one gripping onto the other. The two people land on the ground, the one holding onto the other hitting the ground, the other person laid on top, the person on the bottom rolling the two of them over to break their fall. Tanjiro looks and sees Sakura lay the man down.

"Sakura-san!" Tanjiro calls out to her as he runs over.

Sakura looks up and sees Tanjiro as she smiles brightly, "Tanjiro, can get some bandages out of my basket near those children. My gourds as well".

Demon Slayer 1 (kny x oc)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu