11- The Boar Bares Its Fangs, Zenitsu Sleeps

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Another little short chapter.

Sakura continues to walk through the house with Shoichi on her back as an exhausted Zenitsu follows behind her. Sakura stops as she looks around, "Zenitsu-kun, do you feel that?".

"Feel what?" Zenitsu asks as he bumps into her back.

"This presence, there's a demon nearby" Sakura says as Shoichi holds onto her shoulder's a little tighter.

"Don't say that!" Zenitsu complains.

"Be ready to draw your sword" Sakura says as she brings her sword closer to her front.

"Sakura-san I-" Shoichi starts to say.

"Oi, give me a warning before you speak!" Zenitsu yells, "if you want to talk you should warn us. My heart nearly just flew out of my mouth".

"I'm sorry" Shoichi says quietly, "I'm sorry but you've been shivering, shaking and sweating so horribly".

"What do you mean? I've been doing my best!" Zenitsu says trying to defend himself from the savage child.

"Forgive me for saying so, but you're making me nervous too" Shoichi says as he looks at Zenitsu.

"I'm sorry. Even still, if we talk too loud, the demon's will find us" Zenitsu says as he links arms with Sakura.

"It's here" Sakura says as she turns to look at something.

Zenitsu screams as he jumps slightly, hiding behind Sakura. Sakura holds out her sword as a demon crawls out from underneath one of the gaps in between the floorboards.

"A couple of children and a Hashira, most agreeable to the tongue. I'll get rid of the Hashira first and then the other two, even though the Hashira will give me immense power" the demon says as it looks at the three of them.

"I told you so!" Zenitsu yells as he grabs Sakura and the three start running, Shoichi clutching onto Sakura for dear life.

"Zenitsu-kun let me go. I can kill a lower rank demon like that in an instance" Sakura says as she tries to fight with his sudden strong grip.

"Stay away from us! We don't taste good and I'm sure taste awful. The kid's all skin and bones and Sakura-san is too pretty to die this early" Zenitsu says as the demon follows them.

"How will I know until I've had a taste myself?" the demon asks as it shoots out its tongue towards the three of them.

Sakura grabs Zenitsu and throws herself, Shoichi and Zenitsu into the room besides them as the demon's tongue slices straight through a porcelain vase.

"What was that?" Zenitsu asks as he sits up, "that demon is so quick tongued. It split the vase in two. It's just not possible".

"Zenitsu-san, get up!" Shoichi says as he stands up himself.

Sakura grabs him and forces him to stand.

"It's in my knees. 70% of my fear is in my knees" Zenitsu whines.

"This is no time to whine. I was in contact with your sensei during your training and he told me of your power" Sakura says as Zenitsu looks at her shocked, "he says you're powerful Zenitsu-kun but you fear demons above all else. If you save us right now, I'll help you try and get over that fear".

"It's impossible. I can't look at demons without-" Zenitsu says as he cuts himself when he hears the footsteps of the demon coming into the room, "take Shoichi-kun and make a run for it Sakura-san, leave me behind" Zenitsu says as he looks at Sakura.

"Don't be stupid, I'm not gonna abandon you" Sakura says as she rolls her eyes.

"I'm gonna guzzle your brain matter through your ears" the demon says, its voice shaking.

Zenitsu gasps as he collapses and he falls to the ground. Sakura smirks, "Shoichi-kun, get to the back of the room" Sakura orders, "take Zenitsu with you".

Shoichi nods as he starts to drag Zenitsu by his kimono to the back of the room. Sakura stands in front of the two, hand on her sword getting ready to attack, just in case Zenitsu doesn't do what his sensei said he would. The demon approaches the three of them as it throws its tongue out at Sakura. Sakura is about to draw her sword when the demon's tongue gets cut off. Sakura blinks and Zenitsu is stood in front of her, his arm out to the side to stop the demon from getting past him.

"Zenitsu-san?" Shoichi asks as Zenitsu braces his position.

"Stand up, Shoichi-kun" Sakura says as she walks over to Shoichi.

Sakura stands next to the boy and holds him as they both watch Zenitsu, "thunder breathing, first form, thunderclap and flash" Zenitsu says as he strikes the demon, cutting its head clean off.

The demon disintegrates as Zenitsu wakes up. He screams at the demon and then looks at Sakura.

"Sakura-san, don't tell me" Zenitsu says as he runs to her and he hugs her tightly, "you saved me!".

Sakura shakes her head in denial, "that's not it".

"You're my saviour. From now on, I will listen to everything you have to say and I will not leave your side" Zenitsu says as he nuzzles his head into her shoulder.

His sensei never said anything about that fact that he doesn't remember anything.

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