4- Final Selection

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--- one year later, 2 years after Tanjiro started his training ---

It's been two years since Tanjiro and Nezuko first met Sakonji Urokodaki, the former water Hashira and Sakura's sensei. Since then, Tanjiro and Nezuko have been under Sakura's care and tuition as Sakonji has come back from time to time to make sure everything is running smoothly. Nezuko has still been asleep for two years and Sakura has continued to give Nezuko her blood, without letting Tanjiro know. Sakura sits down outside of Nezuko's room as she is about to go visit Tanjiro when the door slides open to reveal Urokodaki.

"Sakura, it's been a while" Urokodaki says as he shuts the door to the cabin.

"You were there longer than I thought you would" Sakura says with a small chuckle.

"I thought the same too but I had to stay and help Amane take care of Master Ubuyashiki. His condition has worsened" Urokodaki says as he taps his shoes on the mat.

"I plan to go back to the headquarters and visit the Master after Tanjiro has completed final selection" Sakura says as she looks down.

"Do you believe he's ready?" Urokodaki questions as he looks at her.

"He just sliced the boulder today" Sakura says happily.

"How do you know?" Urokodaki asks as he opens the door once again.

"Do you really believe I'd just leave him on the mountain top alone without any aid?" Sakura asks as she stands up.

"We should go up and check on him" Urokodaki says as Sakura nods.

Meanwhile, on the top of the mountain, Tanjiro stands in front of the boulder he's just cut straight in half with one of Sakura's blades. He sighs as he picks up on Sakura's scent, turning around as she walks into the clearing. Tanjiro drops his swords as his hands shake.

"You did it" Sakura says as she walks over.

"I don't know how" Tanjiro exclaims exhaustedly.

"You're a Kamado, your family never knew how to give up" Sakura says as she stands in front of Tanjiro.

"I had no intention of sending you to final selection. I didn't want to see anymore children die. When Sakura informed me of the boulder, I was sure you wouldn't be able to do it but I understand a well done is in order" Urokodaki says as he places a hand atop of Tanjiro's head as he ruffles his hair.

"You're a remarkable child, Tanjiro" Sakura says as she hugs Tanjiro tightly.

Tanjiro starts to cry as Urokodaki continues to sooth the boy, "make sure you come back from final selection Tanjiro. Myself, Sakura and Nezuko will all be waiting for you".

The three make it back to the cabin as Sakura fries some fish and Urokodaki serves up some rice and soup. Tanjiro comes out from his room, a towel draped over his shoulder as he gawks as the array of food in front of him.

"There's so much. What's the occasion?" Tanjiro questions as he slides the door to his room shut.

"You've completed your training so we're celebrating" Urokodaki says happily.

"Don't be shy, eat as much as you want, I can always make more" Sakura says with a bright smile.

Tanjiro sits down and he takes the bowl from Urokodaki, "thank you for the meal".

Tanjiro, Urokodaki and Sakura finally finish their dinner as Sakura starts to clear everything away. Once Sakura is done and Urokodaki has gone to bed, Sakura knocks on Tanjiro's door as she slides it open slightly.

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