Vol. 1 Chapter 11.1 - Setting up Hirata's group study

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For now though, it looks like my job here is done with those three.

"By the way, Ayanokouji-kun, so I am guessing you want me to now reveal the cheats to the exam then, right? Also why did you say that I bought them?"

"Of course, otherwise the three of them would probably have been cramming the night before. Even with the cheats it would be difficult for them to cram the night before, especially with the average passing marks of each exam increasing. And I said you bought them to make them more likely to join, if you were the one adding the extra effort to think of a workable solution for them. I didn't want to get too much attention to myself as well. And well, there is admittedly a bit of a sinister reason as to why I want you to be the one to have 'bought' them."

"I see then, I'll dismiss the 'sinister' reason for now. But what do you mean by average passing marks?" Hirata questioned.

"Yeah, it seems like the passing mark is the mean marks divided by two. The average in the practice test was 66 marks so the passing mark was 33 marks."

"Ah, I see, that would be extremely important to warn the class, so that they don't get the false impression of only getting 33 marks for each exam."

"Yeah, well let's tell the rest of the class about these cheats then, and the likelihood of an increased pass mark."

"Alright then. I still want to know regarding the reasons why you chose to make me the one who seemed to buy them. Also make sure that you invite Satou to the group as well, since she did join Horikita's tutor group as well."

He seemed to have dismissed the fact that I implied I did something unethical in the backgrounds at first. But it looks like he just wanted to go back to the topic later. He doesn't appear to want to let unethical decisions happen.

Satou should be able to join this group easily, even if I don't invite her. But I feel like I would be in a bit of trouble if I don't invite her regardless.

Just before the study session starts, Hirata asked me about the 'sinister' reason as to why I gave Hirata the credit.

"So, well, basically...Ike, Yamauchi and Sudou...and Satou were planning on bullying Horikita due to how terribly Horikita's tutor session went. It was that catastrophic."

"I see." Hirata looked disappointed, but wanted me to continue.

"To put it simply, I played with their guilt from attempting to bully Horikita by making it seem like I might have told you about the fact that they were thinking of bullying Horikita. They didn't actually end up doing so due to my words. And so I chose to let you be the one to be saving them despite you possibly knowing about the bullying." I told the truth. 

It was better to not hide facts from Hirata. Hirata is extremely good at picking up even the slightest of hints at times. It was the same case for Kushida and Horikita. 

But I am revealing this because this story will be useful for Horikita, and my second deal with the older brother. Painting a consistent story can be quite a handful. I didn't need Hirata to take the credit, but it will makes things easier convincing Horikita in the near future.

"...I see. I will be having a word with them later." Hirata said with a darkened expression.

"Also, I have the text messages as proof of this." I then showed the text messages.

"...To think even Satou joined in on this." Hirata now looked like a disappointed parent.

"Ayanokouji-kun. I admit that I don't like the fact that you did this, but I do appreciate the fact that you did tell me eventually. I understand that you too also wanted to keep your friends, just like how I wanted back in middle school. It would be hypocritical for me to not acknowledge that. But I would appreciate it if you were to actively stop bullying from now on. You can rely on my help to do so, so that you don't have to act indifferent about the bullying. I can see that you did make an attempt by mentioning Kushida-san disliking it. Even if your friends might dislike you from actively stopping bullying, I can be of assistance to support your decision."

"I see, well thank you Hirata...Kushida-san, huh." I sighed.

"By the way, I had been wondering what your relationship with Kushida-san has been. Were you perhaps related to that incidence regarding Kushida? Sorry if I am stepping into uncomfortable territory, but Kushida also joined in on the tutor group as well, right? That meant that the incident must have taken place right after the tutor group, as Chabashira-sensei only confirmed the incident the day after right? Also, for some reason, I thought I saw Chabashira-sensei look at you for a split second as well during Kushida's reveal." 

Hirata's deduction abilities are frightening. Either that or the more likely scenario is that Hirata has been investigating the Kushida situation behind the scenes, wondering why she did all that. The Kushida situation must have troubled Hirata greatly. But without conclusive evidence, he can only ask the people involved. Which ultimately leads to him going after me, seemingly the one most related to this entire situation. How troublesome.

"...Yes, I am related to that situation. But I would rather not talk about that now."

I didn't want to admit my relation to the Kushida situation, but he has done his investigation extremely thoroughly. Lying to him now could only cause more problems. For now though I made it sound like I was terribly affected by Kushida's attempt to frame me, and made it sound like I felt overwhelmed by the barrage of questions Hirata sent to me.

"I see. I apologies if I went too far with all the questions. If you want to talk about it then feel free to talk to me. I can just listen if you want as well. But there is no need if you don't want to." Hirata said, being considerate of my apparent feelings of the matter.

"But from now on, please contact me if there are any potential bullying issues. I can be of help. But in return, I would like you to assist me with the same issues if possible. Furthermore, I would also like you to help form a relationship with class B at some point as well. They could help prevent more situations like this."

It looks like Hirata is incredibly serious about holding the no bullying policy. He even wants to form a bridge with class B, due to the existence of Ichinose, someone similar to Hirata in a sense. They seem to be a class full of good natured people, and with Ichinose, that could influence class D into becoming a more cohesive, good natured unit just like class B. He really must have been heavily affected by the Kushida situation.

"Agreed. Now let's get started with today's study session. It looks like Satou-san is particularly keen on being tutored by me as well."

"Well alright then." Hirata smiled to me.

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