Chapter Twenty-Four: The Pursuit of Happiness

Start from the beginning

"What is it, Ela?"

"I just remembered something. I need to go to the spire. I'll be back," Ela said. Zofia could see something in the way Ela looked. She watched silently as her sister threw on a jacket and left. Whatever it was, she hoped it would help at least stabilize her dear little sister.

Ela stalked towards the spire with a purposeful gait. The cold was brisk, but she didn't care. When she got inside, it was cold and dark. Robbie had spent pretty much every night in the hospital, checking in on Kade's condition just as often as she had been. With a more measured, relaxed pace she went to Kade's side of the bed and opened the drawer to his nightstand. Sitting there was a small, worn, leather-bound journal. She'd seen Kade writing in it on multiple occasions but had never asked what was in it. She decided early in the relationship that while she loved learning things about Kade, she didn't need to know everything. The same applied to her. She gingerly picked up the journal, the small object felt heavy in her hands. She opened the first page, the journal very clearly a diary spanning multiple years. The first entry was dated nearly two decades ago-he'd started writing just after his first deployment. She smiled. It was the same Kade she knew today: logical, serious, and observant. However, there was a general optimism that coated his words that Ela hadn't detected in the current day Kade. She lost herself in the entries, small stories contained in each page that would take her far, far away. Some were stories he'd told her. Others not. There were even entries that gave her more insight into Benji and CJ, Kade's two closest friends from the marines. She took pause when her name jumped out at her from the page.

I'm deployed to something a bit different now. The Rainbow Six Counter Terrorism Initiative. Quite a mouthful but they're different from anything I've ever seen. The operators even more so. Their files don't quite do them justice. Elzbieta Bosak is quite the fiery one. I believe she and the others will be instrumental in the fight against terror.

Ela was surprised by the brevity of the entry. Then again, she remembered his first few days of his transition into Rainbow weren't the smoothest. She may have been partially responsible for it, but Kade never held grudges. She then came across a more recent one.

Ela makes me wonder if I deserve this. To have all I have, to feel loved and appreciated by a spirit as bright as hers. In light of all my sins, it almost feels wrong. Perverse. But then, she enters my hemisphere and suddenly I don't care if its right or wrong. I know I can no longer imagine my life without her. She is enriching beyond belief. I can't even begin to describe how lucky I am. For now, I won't. I need to keep my focus on the mission, yet I find it quite the challenge when my little spitfire is around.

Ela felt tears prick her eyes. She wanted nothing more than to hear him say those tender words to her. The door to the spire suddenly swung open. It was Robbie, pale and out of breath. One look in Robbie's eyes told Ela all she needed to know. Kade had awoken.


          When Ela got just outside his door, she stopped herself. She could hear the voices in the room. She knew there were several people surrounding him, least of all Doc who was likely just trying to do his job. She knew the last time Kade had been in the infirmary Gustav had gotten somewhat annoyed at her somewhat obstructing him from his responsibilities. With the unknown side affects of his exposure to the chimera virus, it wouldn't do to get in Doc's way. She finally stepped into the room; hands held behind her back. Kade was up, smiling and talking just like she knew he would be. She noticed, strangely, that the greyish streaks in his hair were all but gone. The starting of wrinkles on his forehead and around his eyes had also seemingly disappeared. His left arm was still bandaged, Ela not savoring Kade's reaction to what it now looked like. Doc had begun shooing everyone out except Robbie and Anna-Anna being his attending nurse. Kade smiled warmly when he saw Ela.

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