Ch.8 Oh he's back

Start from the beginning

As he walked down the hallway of the school, carrying the cupcakes and flowers, Dan felt his heart racing. He was nervous, but also excited to finally give a gift to Heesung. 

Dan's heartbeat was getting very fast.

I think I should finally confess today. Dan thought.

After school, Dan had been searching for Heesung everywhere, hoping to give him the Valentine's Day gift he had prepared. He finally spotted him near the bleachers, wiping his sweat and drinking water. Dan's heart raced as he approached him. The view was amazing to see.

He was about to go closer until a girl walked passed him and ran to Heesung. She hugged him tightly. She was Ella, the prettiest and nicest girl in the form.

The crowd gathered around them. Eager to know what was happening. Dan hid behind the crowd making sure nobody would notice him and his gifts.

"Heesung, will you be my boyfriend?" Ella asked enthusiastically.

There was silence for a while.


The crowd cheered. From that day on, they became the hottest couple in school.

Dan's heart sank as he watched Heesung say yes. Dan felt like he had been punched in the gut. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Heesung was now taken, and Dan's chance with him had slipped away.

Tears welled up in Dan's eyes as he turned to run away. He threw the cupcakes and flowers he had brought for Heesung into the trashcan, feeling like they were now worthless.

As he ran away, Dan couldn't help but wonder why he had even bothered trying. He had poured his heart and soul into preparing the perfect gift for Heesung, only to be rejected. He felt humiliated and heartbroken, wondering if he would ever find someone who appreciated him the way he appreciated Heesung.

"Why does it hurt so much?" He cried while grabbing his chest hard.

Dan ran as fast as he could to the nearest washroom, desperate to be alone with his thoughts. He locked himself in a cubicle and buried his face in his hands, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over.

He felt embarrassed and foolish for thinking that Heesung could ever feel the same way about him. He had been so sure that he had a chance with him, but it had all been a fantasy. The reality was that Heesung was now taken, and Dan was left alone with his broken heart. He didn't how long he stayed inside and cried.

Until somebody knocked on the door. He quickly wiped his tears. 

"Dan, are you here?"

He recognized the voice of his best friend. Dan hesitated for a moment before opening the cubicle door.

"Yes, Jooha." 

He unlocked the door of the cubicle and hugged his best friend.

"I asked people around and they said they last saw you going to the washroom."

 He started sobbing again holding Jooha's shirt.

Dan felt a wave of relief wash over him as he saw Jooha's familiar face. He knew he could always count on his friend for comfort and support.

"Heesung said yes to someone else," Dan said, his voice shaking with emotion. "I thought maybe he liked me, but I was wrong."

"Shhhh, it's okay, Baby. I already know everything."

"I shouldn't have liked him."

Jooha put a comforting arm around Dan's shoulder, pulling him close. "Dan, I am sorry, I shouldn't have forced you to go. But always remember you are the prettiest human alive, I will always be there for you. But you know what? Heesung's loss is someone else's gain. You're an amazing person, and you deserve someone who will love you for who you are."

Belong to him - Jaekyung/Dan18+Where stories live. Discover now