Part 20: Don't mess with Slytherin's girl

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When they finally came out from the locker room, James had them all line up so that he could call them out.

"Ok, Seeker, Albus Potter," James announced.

"Looks like we'll beat 'em again, huh, Lily?" Lars said loudly.

What was probably supposed to be Albus's proud stride was marred as the SlSlytherinsaughed, and he glared at them as he looked back.

"Beaters, Fred Weasley and Marsha Finnigan."

Lily watched this carefully. Fred didn't look at James as he took his spot next to Albus. He didn't even look happy. It looked like he didn't even really care. James didn't look at him either. Marsha Finnigan looked happy though. She was very beautiful too. Tall, honey blonde hair, and pretty blue eyes. But she wasn't a stereotype. She wasn't a 'dumb blonde'. Only remembered her as being quite smart.

"Our Keeper will be Hugo Weasley," James said with a smile.

As the Slytherin boys all woofed, Lily looked at Lucy. She looked accepting, but Lily could tell that she was disappointed. After all, Lucy loved flying and loved Quidditch.

"And for our Chasers, we'll have me, Rose Weasley, and Lucy Weasley," James told them.

There was a great amount of surprise among everyone there, and there were quite a few angry looks from the kids that acted out for Chaser. But the Slytherins acted a bit differently. They laughed.

"Really Potter? You saved your ass big time, huh?" Adrian said between laughs.

"Merlin, I'm tired of beating up girls on your team!" Lars joked.

"Looks like we'll have a few more broken nails on the field," Tamara Nott laughed.

Lily laughed too. It wasn't that she thought Lucy was too girly for the game. She knew that Lucy was a lot like her in the game of Quidditch. As long as she could fly and play, she didn't care how dirty she got. But what made her laugh was that James was still playing the elitist attitude. He never believed that anyone online family that was in Gryffindor could be second in Quidditch to anyone else. He had often told her before she became a Slytherin that she would lead Gryffindor to victory in her second year.

"Way to piss off a chunk of your housemates, Potter!" Scorpius laughed.

James was coming but he ignored the Slytherins as he kept talking to the team and the ones that had tried out. When he sent them off, Lily stretched.

"Well, shall we be on our way?" she asked. "I feel like I might throw up soon if I have to keep looking at Potter's face."

"Yeah, let's go," Scorpius told them. All the Slytherins stood up and began to leave. But luck wasn't exactly with Lily once she'd stepped off the stands. She found Hugo waiting by the exit with a little group of other Gryffindor third years. And Hugo looked furious.

Lily grinned. "Hey, guys, look. It's the Gryffindor puppy! Woof!" she barked toward Hugo. The others all laughed.

Hugo gnashed his teeth. "Quit calling me that! I'm not a puppy!"

Lily scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Oh, please! I'm surprised you don't carry James's books to class for him." Hugo's face began to turn even redder. "Face it, Hugo Boy, that's all you are to them. Why don't you try manning up and taking a stand against them?"

Now Hugo scoffed. "Why? So I can be a total bitch, and everyone can hate me? So I can be like you?"

"Did you just call her a bitch?" Scorpius growled a

"Because you might want to apologize if you did," Lars said with a glare. Both boys, plus the others of the Slytherin team came to stand around Lily. Hugo and the other Gryffindors now looked intimidated, although Hugo was hiding it a little.

Slytherin's Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy x Lily Luna Potter)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora