Part 19: People changing with time

Start from the beginning

Lily turned a little so that her mother could play with her hair more easily. "Oh, Professor Slughorn gave me the list and asked if I could pick them up. They're for our lessons."

"Oh. And how are those lessons going, hun?"

Lily gave a contented sigh. "They're going great. I love potion making. It's so interesting and fun."

"Well, I'm glad you like it, honey. I think you're the first one in the family to enjoy it. Although Horace has constantly told your father and me about how much your father's mother was an expert at the subject," Ginny replied. She was no longer just playing with Lily's hair but styling it. Mostly for fun.

"It's fascinating. You can do so many things with a simple liquid. From love to hate, from life to death, and from calmness to complete hysterics. It's an amazing concept," Lily told her.

Ginny giggled at her daughter's enthusiasm. "I also noticed that you and Lysander have been writing to each other a lot this summer."

Lily blushed. Of course, her mother would notice. Lily rarely got to the mail before someone else did. But the thought of Lysander made her smile. "Yeah, we've been talking more. It's a bit of a shame to think that we barely talked at all once I started school. I think it's the age and House differences."

"I'm glad you're getting along with him so well, Lily," Ginny told her with a secret smile. Using the small bit of wandless magic she had, she summoned a brush and a hair tie and began to finish up her work on Lily's hair. "So, have you and Lorcan been writing as well?"

Lily let out a silent breath. "Um . . . no, I haven't. But Lysander mentions that he's doing good in all his letters, so I tell him to say hi for me," she explained.

Ginny put down the brush, now finished with her daughter's hair. "Sounds like things are going well for you."

Lily turned to smile at her mother fully. "Yeah, it feels that way. I'm just hoping that it lasts."

"Are you excited for Hogsmeade?" Ginny questioned.

Lily smiled now. "Yeah. It should be fun."

"Ginny! Lily! The boys are ready now! Can we shove off now?" Harry yelled from downstairs.

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Just a minute, Harry!" She smiled at Lily. "Shall we join the boys?"

Lily gave a sigh and a forced smile. "Yep. Let's go." Lily shoved her wand into her pocket and then grabbed her broom. She was eager for the boys to see it. She'd been hiding it from her brothers, and she couldn't wait to see their reactions. Her mother pulled out her wand, and with a simple flick, her trunk was floating out the door. Lily followed her mum down the stairs. Ginny dropped the trunk in front of the door, where Harry stood.

"Are you girls ready?" he asked.

"I know I am," Lily told him with a smile.

Harry smiled at her as well. "Glad to hear it." He picked up her trunk. "The boys insisted on taking their own to the car, so let me take yours, princess."

The girls followed Harry out of the house, Ginny locking up as they left. James and Albus were standing by the open trunk.

"I told you we could get it ourselves," James told their father.

Harry just grinned at his sons as he threw in Lily's trunk. He looked back at Lily. "Anything else, princess?"

Lily grinned and held out her broom. "Just be careful with it. It's my baby." Harry chuckled, and took it with care.

James and Albus looked at the broom in shock. "What!" they both exclaimed indignantly.

"She's got a Wood 100! I asked you to buy me a new Firebolt and you said no!" James cried.

Slytherin's Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy x Lily Luna Potter)Where stories live. Discover now