🎃🕯Chapter 09: 🎶I Put A Spell On You~🎶🕯🎃

Start from the beginning

Dani started to get a little upset. "Mom, I haven't OD'd. I haven't even had a piece." You had a chocolate lollipop in the shape of a witch, but your mother doesn't need to know that. "They're real witches. They can fly, and they're gonna eat all the kids in Salem. The only one who won't be is Angie because she really is a good witch. She's on our side, mom. They're real!"

"Alright, let's go find your father." Dani's mother said as her eyes started scanning the crowd. "While we're at it, we'll go look for your parents, too...Angie, was it?"

Instead of helping her, I turned around sharply. The hair on the back of my neck stood. "They're here." I mumbled. I could sense that my mother, Winnie, and Mary have just turned up. I made eye contact with Thackery, who had only just caught their scent.

We found Max and Allison standing to the side with Mr. Dennison. When we reached them, Thackery and I were keeping an eye on the Sanderson sisters, while the others tried to convince Mr. and Mrs. Dennison about what's been happening.

Out of the blue, the band changed their song as if the singer and the rest of the band were put under a hypnosis.

🎶I put a spell on you
And now you're mine🎶

I placed a hand on Max and Allison's shoulders. "They're here." Dani, Max, and Allison turned around and stood frozen in fear as we watched my mother and her sisters look around, most likely searching for us. "Do not worry. They won't get to any of you. I promise." Mrs. Dennison tried to tell us that no one was there, but they were definitely there.

🎶I ain't lyin'
No, I ain't lyin'🎶

Max shoved the book in Allison's arms and manoeuvred his way through the crowd, ignoring his father's protests.

🎶I put a spell on you
Because you're mine🎶

🎶I put a spell on you
And now you're mine
You better stop the things you do
I ain't lyin'
No, I ain't lyin'🎶

Max climbed on stage and snatched the microphone out of the singer's hands. "Hey, cut the music! Cut the music!" He motioned for the band to stop playing.

"Hey, man, I'm in the middle of a song." The singer argued, sounding a little upset."

"It's an emergency. Only for a minute." Max pleaded with the singer.

The music stop entirely, and all eyes were on Max. "Will everybody please listen?" A couple of people even booed at him, no surprise there.

Mr. Dennison shook his head. "No, he's just getting everybody worked up."

"Listen to him, he's fine!" Dani tried to assure her parents.

"Your kids are in danger." Max got straight to the point.

"What do you mean?" A random person from the crowd asked.

"300 years ago, the Sanderson sisters bewitched people, even their own family." I hugged myself and looked down at my feet, not daring to look anywhere else so as to not draw attention to myself. "And now they've returned from their grave." Everyone started laughing, except myself, Thackery, Dani, and Allison.

Max grabs the singer by the shirt and pleaded with him. "Hey, man, I'm serious! It's not a joke!"

"Alright, this has gone far enough." Mr. Dennison was about to make his way towards the stage, but stopped when Mrs. Dennison told him to wait a moment.

Max faced the crowd once again. "I know this sounds dumb, but they're here tonight. They're right over there!" He pointed a finger to where Winnie, Mary, and my mother were standing amongst the crowd. Everyone gasped and formed a circle around them.

"Oh dear Merlin." I mumbled. Thackery let out a small meow, grabbing my attention. I gave him a small smile and whispered to him that I'll be fine.

Winnie stepped forward and smirked at Max. "Thank you, Max...for that marvellous introduction."

My eyes went wide in realisation as the crowd laughed. Winnie started singing, which as I mentioned earlier, was never a good sign. "No...no, not this again..."

(A/N: Sorry, I decided to be lazy for this part, but just pretend that Evangeline is running with Max, Dani, Allison, and Binx 😂)

"Dance! Dance! Dance until you die!!~" I heard Winnie command and laugh loudly before myself, Allison, Max, Dani, and Thackery ran out of the building to try to get away from them.

**End Of Chapter 09**

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