Chapter 2.

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It has been a whole month since I had started here at Hollywood Arts and I have become super close to Tori and her group of friends. They were all so great. I have also developed a crush on Beck, but I've kept that to myself considering his past relationship with Jade.

"Well, you better look again." Robbie recited, I glanced at Beck, who looked bored, before pulling out my Pear phone.

"Because there's been a murder." Jade said.

"Murder? Where?" Cat asked, gasping.

"Right here." Jade said.

"On this underwater submarine." Robbie explained. Honestly this was a pretty boring play. Tori suddenly started laughing. She then showed her phone to Andre.

"I better wake up the President." Cat giggled. "Give me The White House." Tori then started showing us a video of a horse. Which, oddly, made us laugh.

"Oh my God, that's insane." She gasped.

"Excuse me?" Mr Sikowitz snapped.

"Oh hey." Andre smiled.

Oh uh, we were just watching a video." Tori told Sikowitz.

"Yeah, these two horses are..."

"Put your phones away. We are rehearsing a play." Sikowitz snapped, cutting Andre off.

"Right." Tori sighed.

"Our bad." Andre said.

"Hey, send me the link to that video." Beck said.

"Me t..."

"Stop that!" Sikowitz yelled, cutting me off. I placed my phone in my pocket. "Jade, let's go from your line. Jade!" He said to Jade who was on her phone.

"What's up?" She asked, looking up at Sikowitz.

"Gee-m'nee crackers! I'm trying to teach you kids something about..." Someone's ringtone cut our teacher off.

"One second." Andre said, lifting his phone to his ear. By now, Sikowitz was red with anger. "Uh, grandma, what is it? No. Nobody stole your bed. You're just in the kitchen!" Andre snapped down the phone.

"Hang up that phone right now!" Sikowitz ordered.

"Take your pills." Andre said before putting the phone down.

"I'm getting sick and tired of..." A text alert ring sound cutting Sikowitz off once again. I picked up my phone and opened the text I had got from Robbie, it was a picture of him, in a girls shirt. "Ah, what now?!"

"Oh, I just texted everyone a pic of me. That's my sister's shirt I'm wearing." Robbie said.

"Why?" Beck asked.

"So weird." I exclaimed.

"All right. That does it. That tears it!" Sikowitz yelled.

"What?" Tori asked.

"You people are sick!" He snapped.

"I feel pretty good!" Cat shrugged.

"I'm talking about your addiction to your stupid phones! I swear to Pete, you can't go two minutes without..." He said, imitating texting.

"Oh come on." I sighed.

"I don't think it's fair to say we're addicted to them." Tori finished.

"Ho ho ho ho. Very well. Then I challenge you all." Sikowitz smirked.

"All right. Let's fight." Robbie said, pulling off his shirt and sizing up our teacher.

"I don't think he means a fight." Andre informed. Robbie reluctantly sat back down, pulling on his shirt.

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