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Many would look at him and say he was cold and evil, sometimes saying that he was possibly a creature in disguise with how corrupt he seemed. They weren't completely wrong. He was cold and he was a creature, yet he wasn't evil nor was he corrupt. He was just beginning to lose his mind. However, that does come with the price of having a young Heart, a Heart that hasn't reached maturity yet.

The only thing keeping him sane was his other two mates, one of whom was off somewhere else preparing for work. Even still, they could feel that bit of madness dripping into them more every passing day. They knew that if they didn't find their mate, the Heart of their little Mated Pack, they would go insane with bloodlust. Doing so could possibly get the Wizarding World exposed or worse, get them killed.

Yet, it didn't seem to matter as more time went on. What did was that his mate was somewhere out there, waiting for them. Did they even know they existed, the Creature and Wizarding World? Did they know that they had soulmates? More likely not. Not everyone had one, and a regular soulmate bond for some were more of a suggestion rather than a complete truth.

"You're pacing again, Father." A young-looking teen hummed, an almost exact replica of his father. "Were you thinking about them?" There was an uncomfortable shift from the boy, his stormy eyes flaring to a sharp silver.

The blond man sighed heavily, soon drifting across the room to an armchair and sat there with a small frown. He didn't need to say a word for the boy to nod with a timid whimper leaving his mouth. His son, his second mate, wasn't as driven as him and his first. Then again, he just became aware of them as mates, as soulmates. The older man was lucky that his second mate adapted quickly, and that his legal wife was okay with it as well.

"I told you, in private you don't have to call me Father." Despite his cold expression, his voice and words were soft and sweet like honey and silk.

The boy gave a tight-lip smile, nodding. He then leaned back into his own chair, thinking heavily. He hated not knowing who the Heart was, it was driving his own curiosity and instincts haywire! He often wondered who it could be, whether or not they were going to be a strong or weak Heart. He bet they were strong.

"Do you think we'll find them at Hogwarts?" There was a mild disbelief in the boy's tone, a raised eyebrow. There were thousands of students at Hogwarts, it'd be trying to find a needle in a haystack! And that's only if they went to Hogwarts! There may have only been eleven established schools, but that's still thousands of wizards!

The blond man nodded, sighing as he rubbed his face. Honestly, he just wanted to be close with his mates. The need to find the Heart was growing, rapidly pounding into the older two's heads, their instincts flaring more aggressively than their Switch. Being close to each other should help calm them down easier and quicker.

The blond boy soon was by his father, quickly being pulled into the worrying man's lap with his somewhat muscular arms tightly around his waist. The two of them took a pause to breathe each other in, letting their mate's scent calm them down. With a heavy sigh, the two forced their bodies to relax, reminding themselves that they would find their last mate. They know they would, they just had to wait just a little longer.

Many miles away, far away from the three that would soon find and love him, was a young boy, a couple years younger than his Switch. A boy that was starved and beaten almost every day. His body a sickly white, littered with pink and grey lines and welts. His hair was lifeless and dull, his eyes that were supposed to be filled with magic were instead filled with sorrow and like his hair were lifeless and dull. Pain was within those eyes, an old, tired look that burned away at his youth.

This boy was the savior to the world he had only known for some sweet years. His body and magic were stronger, his will to protect the new world even brighter. His desire to be loved and cherished for his failings though, had also grown. A desperation clawing at the back of his mind and heart, his body slowly withering with that desperation.

That night, he had made a mistake. It truly was an honest accident; he had tried to rectify it the instant he saw it! Yet, the monsters that he lived with only gleamed with a sadistic look. The walrus looking one grabbing the boy by his greasy hair and pulled him up the stairs till they were in the attic.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to! I won't do it again!" The boy pleaded, tears falling from his eyes as he weakly struggled against the other's iron grip. He truly hadn't realized that his magic had activated and started to help him with the dishes! He didn't mean to do it!

"Shut up! I won't have your freakishness tainting my dishes!" The monstrous man roared, soon throwing the boy onto the dusty floor.

The attic was the only room that the boy wasn't allowed to touch. The only room that he was thankful he wasn't allowed to be in. The room where if he truly had done something bad, he would go to. He feared the room more than the shed. At least in the shed his torture could end in an hour, here... His torture could never end.

The walrus of a human did many things to the boy under his care. A boy he never wanted, a freak that he only kept to protect his true son. His family have tried many times to beat the damn freakishness out of the blasted boy, but it seemed they haven't tried hard enough! The boy was growing too lax around them, that much was clear to the narcissistic monster.

"You won't forget this." He spat, picking the boy up after tugging off one of his son's old shirts. He didn't want to be forced to buy the boy clothes that he wouldn't be grateful for. That would just be ruined by his filth.

It wasn't long before soft cries could vaguely be heard from the attic, the noise never reaching the outside ears of anyone who could've had the power to take him away. The savior that his people wanted him to be, could only grip the chains holding him as he was whipped and cut and beaten. He tried to keep his cries as minimal as possible, knowing it would do him no good. For a brief moment, he wondered why no one checked on him, why no one seemed to notice. Then he remembered that it was because they didn't want him, didn't want to see anything other than the perfect Golden Boy of the Light.

The boy didn't know how long he was hung up, how long he was hurt. All he could remember was his mind drifting and his memories playing across his eyes. How pitiful his life seemed, but he knew it was too late for him to change. The next thing he knew, he was tossed to the floor of his room, the door to it being locked tight.

For a long while, he didn't do anything. He couldn't feel anything, so his tired mind saw no point in moving.

"I'm... I'm just tired..." He whispered, squeezing his eyes closed as he carefully curled into himself. "A-Am I t-that strange?" The words hurt him more than he would like to admit, but what else could he do or think when everything kept saying yes.

His body shook as the shock began to wear on him, pulling his weakening body into a welcoming dreamless slumber. He didn't bother to take care of the deep wounds that were bound to leave scars or get infected. He didn't care that he was bleeding too much. He just wanted some peace.

Seeing as he was to exhausted, his magic began to do what it always had done; save him. It was too weak though, too young to save him. If magic could, it panicked. His magic had no choice but to grow, to stretch and change as it had done once before. It had to mature, and as it did, it healed him. Soon, the deep gashes and broken bones mended and scarred. He would need to heal many more later, but he wasn't going to die, that's what's important.

Hopefully, he would find the ones that would not only need him but love and cherish him. That would show him that the Dark isn't a bad place to live, to hope and hide in.

Hey, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I want to recommend the Inspiration once more! It was a really beautiful and well-done book. Also, I hope that you all enjoy the book.


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