"I hope you like cookies"

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Credit: Oats-n-goats on tumblr !! ^^

Chapter 7 YAY!!
I got some ideas for this chapter from 3 wonderful people Childsupport48  theciphereffect BL00DYC0FF1N THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR HELPING ME OUT
Shrignold may be out of character in this one
He's not gonna be the lovebug he is at the start

3rd pov:
Shrignold wakes up, he sees warrens diary
"Oh yeah, I gotta return this to him" he said, he wasn't feeling well. He's not his usual happy self today. He got ready for his day and grabbed the book. He flew down into the house, once he entered he didn't see Warren anywhere so assumed he was still sleeping. As he went to warrens room, it was a surprise to him he wasn't in his room, 'hm, he's probably using the bathroom' he flew to warrens bag and dropped their book into his bag, he tried to forget that Warren wrote but he couldn't. He exited the room and went to the left, as he did Warren was coming his way and they bumped into eachother. Shrignold almost flew down to the ground but he got himself up before he could, but on the other hand Warren fell to the ground. He opened his eyes and seen who be bumped into "oh! Shrignold I'm so sorry I didn't see you there" he told shrignold and got back up. Shrignold just "stood" there starting at him. "Shrignold? I am se-riously sorry if that's the problem!" Warren said, you could tell he was panicking. Shrignold shook his head and flew away from the worm, not looking back at him. "What's his problem?" Case asked, Warren turned to him "how long were you there?" 💀

Shrignold pov:
I fly to the living room, not in the mood to talk to the rest Of the teachers. 'I can't get the things he wrote about me out of my head, and he's just acting like it didn't happen? Is he not going to mention it? Did he even realize his book was gone?' I asked myself all those questions, I wonder if I was being to harsh on him when he bumped into me..

Warren pov:
I wonder if shrignold is okay? He seems off today. I wave bye to case and go to my room. I enter and see my book 'oh! It's back, I wonder where it went'... "wait, shrignold was in my room? What's,, weird maybe he just found it right? I really hope he didn't read through it" I told myself, I put my book in my dresser so no one can grab it again. I had a dream where I made shrignold cookies, and he loved them. He looked so happy and he was the happiest I've ever seen him. I smile at that thought and the dream I had, I want to make shrignold happy. "Wait! He's seems off today maybe I could make him cookies, that should make him happy" I get my cooking book and go to the kitchen. I see Colin, he's making coffee for itself and Tony, "hey Warren what are you doing?" I turn to him "just cookies, making cookies for someone" I said getting the stuff all together "oh cool!, well can't want to see them done, maybe you could save me a piece" he told me and walked off with his coffee in his hand.

Little time skip :D!

3rd pov;
Warren pulls out 2 heart shaped cookies, one for him and one for shrignold (he did not make any for Colin!!) he smiled at them, he went to get the icing and sprinkles he could decorate shrignolds cookie heart. He iced it up with light red and some heart sprinkles, he designs his as a pink heart and some circle sprinkles. He's very proud of his work and how good they turned out to be. 'Now it's time to find shrignold, I can't wait to see the smile on his face." He said, a blush forming on his face and he starts walking to the living room. Once he entered he seen shrignold on the couch. "Hey sh-shrignold, I made you a cookie,, I hope you like it" Warren told him and handing him the cookie. Shrignold starred at his cookie, admiring it and how pretty it looked.

Shrignold pov:
Omg,,, he baked me a cookie, that's so sweet. I blushed and bite into the cookie. It was soft, warm and sweet just like how I like my cookies. I felt guilt washing over me, I felt bad for ignoring him all day, but I just can't. I was fighting with myself in my mind and then Warren grabbed my hand. "Do you like it? I tried to decorate it with your favourite colour"
He told me, I smiled "yeah, I like it. I'm sorry Warren." I told him, looking down at my cookie. "For what?" He asked and he let go of my hand. Did he not know I was ignoring him?
"Oh Uh nothing, it doesn't matter" I told him and got up. I look at the clouds and an idea comes to my mind. "How about I take you too the clouds and help you learn about love!" I asked him and looked back at me. I could tell he was blushing "but,, I don't have wings ... yet", "you can hold on to me! And the clouds are good enough to hold you when we get there, don't worry it'll be okay Warren!" I told him, wanting him to feel safe. He smiled "on your back?",," sure! I wouldn't mind at all"

*insert warren going on shrignolds back and
They both fly to the clouds, going to shrignoldd cult*

Warren pov;
We get to shrignolds home cloud thing? Was it even a house?? Shrignold turned to me "follow me, I'll show you to my friends, they are also teachers but like helpers for me!" He told me, he started flying forwards and I follow behind.
"So there is tree! He shows the kids movies and stories about love and special ones, here is my friends, they also teach about love and what's it about. And here's Malcom! He is our leader" shrignold told me. "Leader?" I asked
"Yeah, he's the king of love so he tells us about love, and we share his word. So I guess you could say he's the love teacher but, I was his first 'friend' so I'm one of the leaders for teaching love" he told me, I was so amazed by that shrignold is a leader of love! He took my hand and lead me to his room. "Here is where I sleep, it's closer to here since I always have meetings in the morning I can't be late for them or Malcom would get upset..." he told me, he seemed sad, that made me feel bad for him. "So li-", "oh Warren We should take you back home soon, it's getting late" he interrupted on what I was going to say to him. "oh,, yeah okay." I said in disappointment, I wanted to hang out with him more,,,
Shrignold held my hand, he walks us to the end of the cloud he jumps with me in his hands. I start to scream, terrified of height!
"Whoa whoa Warren it's okay! I got you don't let go" he tried to reassure me, but it wasn't working 😭 I was scared "O-OH OKAY!"
He giggled and flew down to my room. "You really got to keep your window close friend, random bugs can get into this room!" He told me., "oh jealous much?" I said smugly trying my hardest to flirt. He just starred with his empty eyes, I just stood there starting at him back feeling more awkward then ever. "Uhh,, I should head to bed" I told him, leaving the awkward Situation which I created.

Shrignold pov;
I was looking at him, and he went to his bed and tucked himself in. I was about to leave then I heard him speak up "would you.. maybe stay tonight? I mean only if you can or if your comfortable!" He said kinda shouting in embarrassment from what he told me. I smiled thinking of me sleeping beside him. "Sure I would love too Warren, it's what friend are for" I said, 'omg why did I say that? It seems like I'm frindzoning him, but it's not right! We are still friends anyways. "Well? Are you gonna join and sleep over or just stand there?" He said, he's in a cheerful mood then he usually is. "Yeah I'm coming Warren" I told him and flew towards his bed and laid next to him. He put the bed covers over us and he turned his back to me,, I was gonna tap on his shoulder but I heard snoring. I sighed and laid on my back looking at his glow in the dark stars, not sure why he has those,, is he scared of the dark?
I thought to myself, then I drifted off to sleep.

Time skip to the morning

3rd pov;
Shrignold started to wake up, he looked at Warren and noticed Warren was holding him to his chest. Shrignold felt his face getting warm, he started panicking as he was struggled getting out of warrens grip.
Once he did, he looked at Warren and flew to him. He watch him peacefully sleep, he went towards his face and gave him a kiss on his forehead "see you later Warren" he told him, even knowing if he was sleeping.
Shrignold looked at Warrens phone to see what time it was, '9:30 am Friday? Wait.., isn't today a meeting???' He dropped warrens phone and flew out there as fast as he could. He was late for his meeting.

Time skip to him walking to Malcom

Shrignold pov;
God I was late, 2nd time in a month he would not approve. I was mentally fighting with myself, I was walking to Malcom I could feel the anger coming from him as I got closer and closer. "Sorry king Malcom, I feel asl- oh, what do you mean who I was with? N-no one, I fell asleep on the couch watching movies!" I tried to lie to him, hoping he believe me "what do you mean I'm lying? I would never king! Huh? The worm? No no I wasn't with him, yes I know I shouldn't be hanging out with people at night. What...? Stop hanging out with Warren?" My heart dropped, I didn't want to stop hanging with Warren, these past days with him was the only real joy I felt. But I had to listen to my king.. he knows what's right for me. "Yes king Malcom,, I swear." I told him, feeling hurt in my chest,, whatever would I tell Warren? How could I tell him that?

Sooo what do you think shrignold would do😭?
Also sorry for late update!! I was busy with my family and friends.
ALSO 1862 words YIPPII! Longest chapter yet :D bye guys!

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