A crush?

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Came with sad news, jimmy will no longer be with me writing this fanfic. She is to busy, so it'll just be me Felix writing it 🙏

Shrignold pov:
Maybe I was pushing him to much? I feel bad for doing that, but Malcolm says it's the right thing to do. It's my job to help people find their special ones! I'll give Warren some time, then I can talk to him more.

Lazy time skip to the morning

Warren pov:
I laid on my back staring at my ceiling. I looked over to my bag and stuff for my lesson tomorrow, I sighed. "My big day is tomorrow, I should start practicing later but I am hungry. Maybe I should go make some breakfast for myself" I said talking to myself 'why do I do this?'. I get up and walk to the kitchen and seen shrignold. '0h god I gotta get out of here..'
I slowly turn away and I hear him say my name. "Hey Warren! Ready to eat? I made some pancakes for everyone but you're the first one awake so sit down friend." He smiled. His smile was cute, and he even made pancakes for us thats so cute.

3rd pov:
Shrignold grabbed a plate and pancakes and flew to Warren. "It's blue berry pancakes, so I hope you like it. I got to go see Malcom so I'll be back friend! Tell the others to eat when they're awake" he says flying out the window to the sky. Warren watched him fly away and stared at the pancakes "wow, this is the nicest thing someone did for me" he blushed abit and started to dig into his food. Tony walks in and starts to make coffee "oh shrignold made pancakes?" Tony said turning to Warren "oh yeah he d-did, it's good" Warren said looking at his food. "Do you like that butterfly?" Tony asked out of nowhere. Warren shot up "w-what! Why would you th-think that? He's just nice!" Warren bursted out blushing in embarrassment. Tony chuckled "whoa boy, calm down it was just a question. But doing that doesn't help your case, I bet you do have a crush." Tony sipped his coffee and walked out.

Warren pov:
Crush? A crush? A crush on a boy? Is it a crush? I admire him, his wings are beautiful. His cooking is nice and I like his voice and his hands are soft but, I can't like him. I probably just want to be his close friend, maybe it isn't a crush. My thoughts taking over my mind so I get up and walk to my room. I go on my phone and search up "how to know you have a crush?" And I started researching. "God there's nothing here!" I said out loud. "What's wrong friend?" Shrignold came out of no. "Oh my god! Stop d-doing that shrignold." I said, kinda terrified on how he keeps coming out of no where. "Oh sorry Warren, but what is it? You can tell me if you are comfortable :)" he said looking at me with his beautiful eyes. "Um, I d-don't know if it's weird but. How do you know, like you know" I struggled with my words, my hands start to sweat. "Like have a cr-crush.?" I said fidgeting with my hands and looking at him.

Shrignold pov:
Omg, he's talking about a crush this will help me find him a special one! "A crush? Oh friend I know all about that. Crushes, love, romantic and happiness. You came to the right person!"
I see the blush on his cheeks, that's cute he's embarrassed about asking. "O-oh so how do you know you like, have that?" Warren asked me.
Has he never had a crush? Or never felt this way towards someone? This will take a lot of teaching. "We'll to know you have a crush so when you feel warm around them, you think of them all the time, you may have thoughts of dating them, you wanna get closer to them, and you love them in a romantic way!" I say to him, that's all I know about crushed and that what's Malcom teached me. Warren started to get more nervous and he was blushing a lot, is he okay?? "How about o-on like a boy?" He said looking to the ground. "A boy? Um I guess it's the same? Im not really good with that" I admit to him. He just looks at me, does he want to say something? "Um so, if I fi-find out I have a crush on this o-one guy should I confess?" Warren asked looking worried, he was more nervous then before how is that even possible?. "I guess, go for it friend! Get yourself a special one. And I can help you with your lucky guy!"

Warren pov:
"N-no it's okay you don't need to help me, I can do it myself!" I plead to him, he can't know my crush is him. I admit, it took me a few hours to think but yeah I definitely have a crush on that butterfly. Maybe it's his wings? The way i admire him, or how beautiful he is? But I have this weird feeling towards him and I can't let him find out. He seemed unsure about gay crush's, what if he doesn't even like men?
"Hey Warren friend you okay?" shrignold asked. I turn to him "huh? Oh yeah sorry what?" I asked him, I'm unsure what he was saying before I blanked out. "I said it's okay, I can help. I always need to help a friend in need! Especially you right now." He said with a smile that caused butterflies in my stomach. "No seriously it's okay shrignold, I don't want to busy you to much just to find me a special one. But thank you I guess" I say to him, grabbing my phone. "I should practice, I have a big day tomorrow. It's My first lesson"

Shrignold pov:
"Yeah of course Warren, I hope you have fun. I hope to see you before your lesson or before you go to bed" I say to him, smiling as a fly away. 'He won't let me help him find a special one, but maybe I can find out who he is crushing on and let them get close! I need to tell Malcom this he'll he proud of me for this idea'

Lets goo 1144 words! I'm so happy, next chapter should be as long as this one too. I hope you guys liked this one :)! For now on I think I'll be planning my chapters before just going with the flow 💀 anywho see you all next chapter thanks to the ones saying and reading along with me. Byeee!

Another friend? / Dhmis fanfic Shrignold X WarrenWhere stories live. Discover now