Prologue - The Dimensional Break

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A/n: Each Idea used in this was something I asked of the other three authors, in order to have their own ideas for how they got to their respective worlds. But I did make some small changes, as I felt it would be more interesting, so I hope you don't mind if one of yours was slightly changed.

Now onto the Story!!


Dimension: Konosuba (Specific Location: Trapmaster20's OP Neptunia Male Reader Series)

No one's POV

We see Y/n, Kazuma, Darkness, Megumin, and Y/n's Adoptive Daughter Fran heading back inside their mansion, as they just got finished taking a job, and Aqua's crying per usual.

Kazuma: *sighs*

Fran: That was so fun!

Y/n: I'm glad you liked it, kiddo.

As Y/n pats Fran on the head, Aqua then passes by them, crying.

Fran: Though I'm still not used Miss Aqua yet.

Y/n: I understand that, kiddo... I truly understand that...

Aqua: A bath! I need a bath right now!

Kazuma: Hold it, Aqua! We should check out the stuff we got from that quest!

Aqua: Ugh, we can do that later! Do you all want me walking around like this? I'm covered in sticky giant-toad slime!

Y/n: Aqua, you've been in a giant toad's mouth so much, I think it's basically your life now!

Fran: Dad, you should really have said that out loud?

Y/n: Trust me, Fran. She needs to hear this.

Aqua: Shut up, Y/n! Don't forget, I'm a goddess! I should look immaculate and smell divine! Not reek worse than some shut-in NEET like Kazuma, and some crossdresser like you!

Kazuma: Hey! I am not a shut-in NEET!

Y/n: Also, you need to apologize for every trap in this world, anime, and the multiverse! You were the one who decided to run ahead, because of all the treasure that lurked there!

Kazuma: *nods her head* If you weren't being so stupid, you might not be in your current situation. You've been acting like the Goddess of Stupidity!

Aqua: *gasps* What did you call me?!

As Kazuma pulls out some of the stuff, an oddly shaped button falls out.

Y/n: Uh, Kazuma?

Kazuma: Still my name.

Y/n: Do you know what this is?

Kazuma then comes over to Y/n and looks at the button.

Kazuma: No clue.

As Aqua goes to get herself cleaned up, everyone just stares at the button that was found. After a bit more time, Aqua comes back and notices what we're doing.

Aqua: Hey Kazuma, what's that?

Darkness: It looks like just a normal button, though it's appearance is very worrisome.

Kazuma: Yeah, no matter how we look at it, it's suspicious.

Y/n: Yup. That's a fact.

Aqua: Hmmm. Well, let's push it!

Y/n: No, Aqua! Bad! Bad Aqua!

Aqua then starts to throw a tantrum on pushing the button. It then leads to Kazuma holding her back from pressing it.

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