"He's not. He is just trying to protect us." I just sigh as I finally reach the front door that the younger girl was standing at. I gave her a quick side hug trying to relish in the short amount of contact that was considered friendly. Before I could completely pull away Haerin pulled me back in. "You smell nice, are you using a new perfume?" Minji...keep it together.

"No I didn't put any on." Haerin just hummed in response and finally pulled away from me and led me into her enormous house. I look at her eyes and again there is something in them that I can't quite understand. I look down to her lips. God I would do anything to kiss her right now.

"We can go to my room if you want." I can't bring myself to respond since I was too caught up staring at her lips. I want to look away so bad, but I can't. I finally am pulled out of my trance when she moves from my line of vision.


"Wow this is not what I was expecting." Haerin finally leads me into her room after the endless turning and hallways to get here. I could tell she was feeling a little shy because as soon as we entered she just stood in the corner by the door. Her walls are filled with album posters and paintings. She has a queen size bed in the middle of her room that looks like it's made for a fancy princess in the 1700s. Her room isn't as big as I was expecting, don't get me wrong it is still huge, the size of a master bedroom in a normal house, but nothing too crazy.

"What were you expecting?" I don't look at her, but I can feel her eyes staring into the back of my head. As I look around more there are hundreds of books, school and leisure, painting supplies, and a guitar by her bedside table.

"I don't know the quadratic formula?" Haerin let out the biggest laugh I have ever heard. When I turned to look at the younger girl I felt the corners of my mouth turning up. I wish it could be like this forever.

"You really think I don't think about or do anything else besides math?" Her eyebrow quirked up in a playful manner that caused my little smirk to turn into a full blown smile.

"Well how am I supposed to know? That's basically all I know about you." Haerin just hums as she drops her phone and I guess house keys on her mahogany desk. "So tell me about yourself so I won't just think you're a math nerd."

"I like to read and paint." I just scoff at the shorter girl and walk towards her direction and sit in the big fluffy chair next to the desk she is standing next to.

"You already told us that! Tell me something else, something juicy." I could tell she was getting more nervous as the time passed because she won't look into my eyes as she usually does. She is also fiddling with her hands, picking at the skin on her fingers.

"That's really it, I go to school, tutor, take after school music classes, read, paint, and study. Occasionally I write a little bit."

"Why don't you talk to many people?" Is that too personal? Maybe I shouldn't have asked that. Haerin finally looked into my eyes. The position is kinda awkward because I'm sitting and she is leaning on the desk next to me, but I'm glad I can see her beautiful eyes again.

"I don't know, I just never felt the need to, plus I never really had time to have friends." Maybe I'm burdening her trying to spend all this time with her. Maybe she is just too nice to say no.

"We're friends right?" Haerin doesn't say anything in response, but she did give me a little smile that was more than enough confirmation. I grab her hands that were still picking at each other and clasps my hands around hers. We both just looked at each other for a moment before Haerin pulled her hands away from mine and walked towards her closet. Damn.

"I don't know what to wear. Should I dress nice even though it isn't a date anymore?" she whispered the last part, but I still heard it. I almost forgot for a second that she was seeing Niki.

Can't You See Me?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora