[Dahyun x M Reader] Freaks (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

This woman told me I was special. "You can't drink inhuman blood," she said. "You have to conceal your abilities from those who would want to harm you." She told me that there would come a time when I would need to learn to use them again, and that when that time came, I would know.

I spent my formative years in that mansion. I quickly learned the horrible nature of my actions, and the repercussions they came with. I reigned in my desire for inhuman blood, and began to subsist off of animals. I learned the common tongue, how to act in public, how to eat without being a slob. I became a person.

I lived there for one hundred years.

I grew up with a brother, too. He was a year older than me, and a werewolf. Our mother had found him only a few years before me. She called us a household of misfits, and when my brother left for the Academy, the household grew just a little emptier. My mother consoled me. It would only be a year until I joined him, she said.

The days passed. I said my goodbyes, and prepared to spend the next seven years of my life at the Academy.

The journey there is simple enough—you just step through a portal. The moment you're transported to the courtyard, they ask for your name, and whisk you away to an empty room. You wait in there for hours, until a doctor wheels in a big silver box mounted atop a cart.

The blood test is conducted with a needle the thickness of a straw, and lasts two entire minutes. The higher readings short out the machine, that silver box. That's what happened with me. The machine starting smoking, and it shorted before they could complete the reading.

The Academy never publicizes the results of blood tests. They're meant to officially determine what breed of freak you are, and based on the reading, recommend you to a dorm of the appropriate level. They knew I was a vampire from my application file, but the severity of my result made them send me straight to the Sayre Wing after collecting another blood sample for further testing.

The Sayre Wing is stationed halfway down the lake from the main campus. It's reserved for the most dangerous initiates, the ones who are a danger to themselves or others. Naturally, my brother was there.

He crashed through my door before I had even put my suitcase down. "Y/N!" he said, pulling me into a hug.

I patted his arms. "Okay, Chan! Too tight!"

Chan pulled away. "I knew they'd send you here," he said.

"And I knew they'd send you here," I said. "Is your room better than this?"

"No. The make me spend full moons in there."

"Are you the only wolf?"

"Nah, there's five others," said Chan. "They're all in this wing."

"They make them turn in their rooms, too?" I asked.

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