In Arla's eyes, there was always something off with that boy. If she didn't know any better, she would think he was a demon himself.


Everyone at the castle has been so sweet to you. Possibly because you died and they thought they lost you forever. Luckily you were back! Alive and well, albeit sore since coming back to life was no easy feat. It did mess up with your senses quite a bit, but you were getting them back and Jungkook promised they would. It didn't matter to you too much. You were just excited to eat breakfast! And perhaps you were a bit too chirpy for someone who almost went into the light. Then again, considering you almost lost the chance to eat with all eight of your friends, today was a good day. Though including Jungkook as one of your friends was you being generous. You were thankful to him naturally. He still had some work to do though.

You could see he was trying. He attempted to help with breakfast. Everyone did since they insisted you didn't dare lift a finger. They were doing their best to spoil you which was nice. Although staying seated in the dining room was a bit stressful considering you could hear all the ruckus they were making in the kitchen. It was pretty tempting to go in there and help them, but Youngjo was forcing you to stay seated. He kept going back and forth. After the fifth time of telling you that they had it under control, Youngjo hurriedly ran over to the kitchen.

The second he stepped in, the smile on his face dropped. It was way easier to be a bird. Watching everyone in the kitchen was a mess. Namjoon was shouting orders except he didn't know a single thing about cooking. Taehyung was trying his best to cook and thankfully Hoseok listened to him. Jimin was yelling at people to listen to Taehyung which wasn't helping. Not to mention, Jungkook was sort of on a time out. He couldn't exactly cook, but he really wanted to help. He had to help assist Seokjin in cooking and could the merman cook? Not even to save his own life! Yoongi had to taste test everything and there was a fifty-fifty chance with it every time. His expressions were hard to read. It was when Namjoon took a taste that he would recoil with his whole body.

"I have never tasted anything so horrible!!" Namjoon spat immediately in the sink.

"I...just cleaned that dish." Jungkook pursed his lips. He instantly got a glare from the prince, causing him to nod to himself. "I can clean it again. That's fine."

"Exactly. You will clean as many dishes as it takes to earn our trust and respect back." Namjoon wiped his mouth.

"He's going to have to do more than dishes." Seokjin slid his attempt at making pie to Yoongi.

"Must I continue to be tortured?" Yoongi brought a hand to his stomach. "I told you all that human food means nothing to me. I've been alive for ages and have never suffered like this before!"

"Oh shut it, old man. We're all doing our part to make (F/n) happy. May I remind you that you were crying like crazy and ready to kill Seokjin?" Jimin pointed out. He stopped rolling up dough just to look Yoongi right in the eyes. The reminder of that just made the vampire take in a deep breath through the nose. It wasn't the best side of himself that he showed the others. He was usually calm and reserved, but admittedly lost it then. Though him fighting with Jungkook in the ballroom in the past also wasn't a good example of himself.

"Whatever. You're the one who cried like a baby." Yoongi scoffed.

"And who wouldn't!?" Jimin pouted, clearly still sensitive about it. "I learned something about myself that day."

"That you're not tough like you say you are?" Seokjin guessed. That got laughter from a lot of the men in the room. Jimin was shocked they found it so funny. Was he not the picture perfect representation of a manly man?

Magic in a Lost World || BTS x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora