He patted my knee under the blanket. "I might go warm
those towels up in the oven."

"I've heard that's nice."

He kissed my cheek, then slid
off the bed and gathered up the towels on the dresser and disappeared out the door.

Perhaps he wasn't keeping it together as well as he seemed.

That train of thought was interrupted by another contraction.

My omega line began to burn with this one and I panted a
little to stay on top of the pain.

"Jimin?" Jungkook's worried voice sounded right by my ear, but I didn't have any attention
to spare for him at the moment.

I pushed my feet against the bed, because it felt good to do something, even though it
didn't help.

This was always the worst part once my line opened, everything would go kind of numb down there and the rest of it would
be easy.

The contraction let up and I relaxed back against the pillows.

"Jimin?" Jungkook asked again.

His had was tight in mine and when I turned my head, his forehead was furrowed with worry.

"It's fine."

"This is normal."

I glanced down at our hands, now on top of the blanket.

"Did I hurt you?"

"You can do whatever you
need to get through this."

I laughed and hobi echoed it.

"Don't give him your whole
hand or he'll break it."

hobi leaned over me and gently rearranged our fingers so I only gripped two of Jungkook's.

"Much safer now."

Jungkook stared bemusedly down at our hands, then back
up at me. "Really?"

I nodded.

"It's different from everyday."

"Like nothing exists outside
my body."

"I'm going to go wash my hands." hobi said.

"Cale, you stay here."

"Sure." Cale said and curled up in the rocking chair in the
corner of the room.

I cuddled in Jungkook again and we began our usual bickering over baby names until another contraction stole my breath.

They were much closer together now and when I ran my hand down over my belly at the end
of this one, I found a gap in
my omega line, about an inch and half long.

Hobi came back, drying his hands on one of our towels.

"How's it going?"

"I'm gapping." I told him.

"That's good."

"How long do you usually
take after?"

"Not long, Maybe an hour?"

Jungkook broke in.


I took his hand and ran it
over my belly until he could
feel the opening.

"Holy shit."

he breathed, his eyes wide.

"Is that...?"

I leaned over and whispered
in his ear.

"That's that omega line that
you like so much."

"The baby's going to be here soon."

I leaned back just in time.

Another contraction came, hard and fast and I watched as my stomach tented up into a hard ball under the blanket.

Sweat broke out at my hairline and under my arms and I
pushed the blanket away, suddenly too warm.

Jungkook sat up and leaned toward me, encouraging me in my labor but I could barely hear him over the clamor of my body.

It went on longer this time
and a trickle of blood seeped down between my legs.

I put a hand on Jungkook's
cheek and kissed him, then lay back to prepare for the next one.

When it came, it opened me
wide and then there was gush of fluid, the baby waters and from that point on, it was one long contraction.

Or at least it felt like one.

Cale and Jungkook supported me, holding my weight and wiping the sweat from my
face with a damp facecloth.

Holland came back with the towels, laying one over my
belly, another against my
gaping omega line.

The heat felt good, soothing some of the ache and then the contraction grew stronger again.

I grunted and breathed when hobi reminded me to and squeezed Jungkook's fingers tightly.

All of a sudden, between one moment and the next, I felt everything move down.

My belly went from round to pear-shaped and I felt a stretching sensation where
my omega line stretched to
make way for the baby.

"I can see the head." Holland said and tucked the towel
down between my legs.

"You're doing fine." Jungkook told me.

"You're so brave."

"Come on." He kissed the top
of my head and laid his hand against the back of my neck.

I laughed breathlessly and pushed with the next one and the one after that and the one after that.

My belly stretched and then Holland was yelling.

"Here come the shoulders!"

And then with a rush and
slither, the baby landed in Holland's hands.


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