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So you are all wondering what happen after the meeting with Mr. Stark well first of May grounded me for a month for going out as Spider-Man. Two I was told by both Mr.Stark and May that I was not allowed to fight crime anymore which in my eyes felt wrong cause you know with great power comes great responsibility. Mr. Stark told me that with more people knowing who I am the more likely they are going to suspect something is wrong. I wanted to argue cause I'm not the only crime-fighting vigilante in New York, but he said that I'm going to the Union of Japan and they will not accept me even with the help of Mr.Stark if they find out that I'm a vigilante. I was like why would they care if I fought crime I'm in a whole different country but boy was I wrong. They are serious about that rule cause Mr.Stark showed me examples and news reports on how Japan sees the Avengers, they see them as outlaws that think that they are above the law when fighting crime. Will I think that's over-exaggerated it did make me realize that non of the Avengers got their actual license to be a hero or at least no one has heard of the Avengers taking a class on getting a license. When I asked Mr.Stark about it he told me that he does have a license it's just that the Avengers were given their license none of them actually went to school for their license. He told me that they all got their license after the invasion of New York happened. Now I would keep on ranting on about this topic of how the Avengers deserve this honor and how each nation handles their heroes but that would take longer than I want it to. Plus I'm about to be hit in the face by Mr.Stark.

Iron man landed a blow on Peter in the face

Peter- Ow

Tony- a kid I told you to stay focused when doing combat training.

Peter- Sorry Mr.Stark it's just I'm still going over what has happened in the past few months.

Tony- What exactly are you still going over it's been 4 months now since I recruited you and you now have less than 1 week to get ready for Union, what could you be trying to understand at this point?

Peter- Well for starters when am I going to meet my so-called teammates for this mission?

Tony - Remember that your trying to infiltrate Union to discover its corruption and to see who's in charge of it. And the headmasters of the Academy don't exactly trust me or anyone from America so they are going to be watching you. 

Peter - I get that part but why can't I know anything about my teammates for this mission just so I can have something to identify my teammates?

Tony- Kid don't get me wrong but you suck at lying. Like seriously when your classmates asked why you were going to Union you almost told them about to your mission when talking to them.

Peter looked down in shame knowing that he was right. Now that he was thinking about it he wonders how he was able to keep his secret a secret for so long.

Tony- Listen to kid this is all that I will give you about your teammates and that's you all have something that most people would ignore. 

Peter- What do you mean by that?

Tony- You'll know when the time comes.

After that Tony and Peter trained for a couple of more hours till 8 in the afternoon. As Tony was explaining how Peter was going to get to Japan Peter ask one more question before he left.

Peter- Mr.Stark why are you the only one that's training, won't it be better if the other Avengers helped in training me?

Tony- That would be true but Clint is retired, Natasha is dealing with some family matters, Thor is back on Asgard dealing with his other version of himself, Hulk is on break from the hero business for a bit, and Steve is busy doing something else at this moment.

The heroesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora