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- CHAPTER 16 -

❝Ready to go?❞

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Ready to go?

Hogsmeade, Sixth year.

THE PAST FEW DAYS HAD been a complete bliss for James and Grace. Students and teachers all around Hogwarts could be seen gushing at the pair, they were absolutely smitten.

It was the little things that had mattered, that was for sure. The way James would push the girl's hair back when she was studying, or make her eat food when she couldn't, it all made the boy look even more perfect than before.

His parents had raised him right, everyone knew of that. The boy's way of showing affection was exactly like his parents', by doing little acts of kindness for the other person.

"I brought you strawberries G, and a hot pack for your pain."

At first, Grace had been extremely self conscious about her feelings. But now, as days passed by, Grace knew that her feelings towards James were more than just a mere crush.

"Prongs, you make me throw up," said Sirius Black dramatically.

"That's how i felt with you and Moony, you know?"

The Marauders had been extremely happy for the pair. Their brother was at the happiest moment of his life, and they were very proud of him for it.

"Okay G, i'm taking you out on a date. This Hogsmeade weekend?"

"Cmon Potter, be a little romantic."

"Well, my darling Grace, the owner of my heart, would you do the honours of going out with me?"

"If you insist."

Her whole entire life, Grace had never dressed up for an event as important as this. Whenever her parents would come around, Theo would be the one helping her dress up.

But now, there was no one there to guide her through this moment in life. Even though the girl had tried to hide it, James had noticed it immediately.

"Hey Evans, can I talk to you?" the boy asked with nervousness.

"What's wrong Potter?"

"Well, i'm taking Grace out on a date. And knowing her, she's probably stressing out a lot. Can you help her?"

At times like these, Lily couldn't help but envy the other girl. She was really happy for her but every once in a while, her feelings would go completely crazy at the boy's antics.

Even though the two had only dated for three months, those were the best three months of Lily's life. James was an absolute gentleman, everyone was aware of that.

"Grace? Ready for your date?" the redhead asked.

"No, I have no clue on what to wear!"

"Come with me, we'll help," Lily laughed and said.

She had never been in the Gryffindor dormitories before. Looking at them now, they were quite messy compared to the Hufflepuffs.

"Alright, let's get you dolled up!" said Alice Fortescue.

Styling the girl had been extremely easy for the friends, since she had looked good with anything she'd wear. Grace only had one condition, she was going to wear the boy's quidditch jacket right on top.

Even though Grace wasn't friends with the Gryffindors, they had treated her exactly like one of their own. For the first time in her life, Grace had felt happy with the company that she was surrounded with.

"Ready to go?"

During the whole entire date, Grace and James had walked hand in hand. Every time the girl would look at something in a shop, James would buy it for her immediately. Even though the girl would refuse, he would never take no for an answer.

"Do you hear that?"

"Erm, no?"

At first, Grace had believed the words coming out of the boy's mouth. But then, when she turned around, she was surprised to see a floating lollipop right in front of her.

"Huh?" she said while pulling on the sweet.

Immediately after, a boy got dragged forward along with the lollipop that she had pulled on.


"Oh, hi.."

The rest of the Marauders were nosy people, that was for sure. During the whole entire date, they had trailed after the couple while snickering and making fun of their friend.

Since they were hidden under the cloak, Grace hadn't noticed them at all. However, the boy had seen them easily. But no matter how many times he would tell them to leave, they just wouldn't budge.

"Cmon, let's go to the Three Broomsticks."

They sat at their usual spot, now known as the Marauder's little corner. Whenever the group would visit the pub, they would sit at their corner and mess around until Rosmerta would force them to leave.

"Bloody hell Prongs, you look like a tomato!"

For Grace, the date had been absolutely perfect. James was one of the sweetest boys she had ever met, absolutely perfect in every sense. And to James, the girl was the exact same.

Even though he had gone on many dates before, nothing could ever compete to this. James had finally known what true love was like. And to him, true love was in the form of a black haired and hazel eyed girl, Grace Valdez.


Ever since the girl ran away, she had been dreaming of this moment. At first, Grace had thought her eyes and ears were deceiving her. But then, when James nudged her from behind, Grace couldn't help but tear up.

Was this what life was like? One moment, you're sat there thinking about the person you had loved the most. And the next, they were right in front of you with a completely new exterior, one that would break your heart completely.



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