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❝Can I talk to you?❞

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Can I talk to you?

Hogsmeade, sixth year.

IN JUST A FEW DAYS, James had started talking to the Marauders once more. It was all thanks to Grace, the girl would always know what to say to him.

"Prongs, mate. I reckon we should take Grace with us, to Hogsmeade I mean," said Sirius Black.

James had actually thought about it before, to go to Hogsmeade with Grace by his side. But then, at the last moment, the boy had chickened out. Him and his friends knew that if they weren't going to take Grace to Hogsmeade, she wouldn't go at all.

"Is there something you'd like to say?"

The boy cleared his throat and moved his gaze over to the hazel eyed girl. He was prepared for this exact moment, he couldn't mess it up.

"Would you like to— erm, Hogsmeade?"

James had looked so flustered, the girl couldn't help but crack a smile open. Her favourite type of James was the nervous one, cheeks heating up with a blush and eyes twinkling with excitement.

"Okay, but only because you've asked so nicely."

They were sat in the room of requirements, sitting in front of a piano, side by side. Grace was teaching him how to play the instrument and it had been hard, to say the least.

"No, you're doing it wrong. Here, let me demonstrate," she said while putting her hands on his.

She guided him with ease, hands burning with the heat of the other and blood running through her veins. James could feel himself burn up, even the smallest of touch from her was like a lot more.

For a second, James had felt like he was in heaven. Sitting next to grace, while she guided his fingers atop the piano's keys, it all just felt too unreal.

"Have you got it?"


Grace could feel that the boy's mind was elsewhere, he could barely focus on the tunes that she had played, eyes calculating her every single move.

The girl took her hand away from his and pushed his glasses up on his nose, they were sliding off and he still hadn't taken notice.

"James, you alright?" she asked with amusement.

"Yeah, m' fine."

The trip to Hogsmeade for the friends was one of the best they'd ever had. Grace was like the puzzle piece to their group, a one that they had desperately needed.

After a few hours of fooling around, the group had split up to buy presents for Christmas and Grace had gone with James.

"What does Euphemia like?"

"Perfume? I'm not sure to be honest, I just get her flowers every year."

For a while, Grace had thought that the Potter parents were going to send her back to her home. The thought had worried her a lot, to the point where she couldn't even sleep at night.

However, just a few days ago, the parents had sent her a letter asking her to come home for Christmas, saying that her presence was greatly needed in the Manor.

"James? Are you sure that I can come to yours for the holidays?"

"Of course G, my parents want you there. They will drag you home if they'd have to."

After their shopping, they all met up in the Three Broomsticks and sat together at the Marauders usual spot. The boys would always have one extra seat remaining and now, it was finally filled up by Grace.

"Do you think i'd be a fit model? I've already got the hot factor down," said Sirius with a cocky smirk.

"Yes, if it were for dogs that is."

The Marauders had found that amusing, much to the girl's surprise. There were always certain things she wouldn't understand, not that she minds it. Grace knew her place in the group, it was secret for secrets.

"James? Can I talk to you?"

Lily Evans was nervous, visibly so. She had been planning her apology for days, there was no way she could mess it up now.

"If there's something you'd like to say, say it right here," he said with a frown.

James was sick and tired of her constant bossing. Lily would do whatever she wanted to, no matter who would be hurt along the way.

"Listen, I'm sorry. I-I was in a dark place, I didn't mean to be so harsh on you," she quietly said.

At first, James was absolutely silent. His eyebrows were furrowed in anger, and his lips were down in disappointment. Feeling a nudge from Grace, the boy looked at her and let out a sigh.

A few days ago, the girl had told him to forgive Lily if she'd ever apologise. Grace had said that a persons thoughts were their biggest enemies, you'd never know what they were going through during their darkest of days.

"Alright, it's okay," he said with a tiny smile.

Even though, deep in his heart, James was still very much upset, he was glad that this chapter of his life was coming to a close. He had given the redhead a last chance, one wrong move from her and everything would shatter.

"Well lads, which one of you can drink this butterbeer in one go?"

"Well lads, which one of you can drink this butterbeer in one go?"

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