Chapter 9

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Kiyoshi's pov



"You bit me!" I screamed. Well for your information Imran bit me."why did you sneak up on me!" Imran said defending himself. "Well I didn't know you were going to bite me!" I replied back. "It was instinct!" He yelled.

"Aish" well that took a turn.

"And why did you took so long anyway?" He asked me.

"I needed to fake my death."

"You faked your death?"

"Yes I did."

"So now they Think you're dead?"


"So you're a dead man now?"

"Yes, and stop asking questions."


It was silent for a moment. I was bored so I decided to break it. "So what had you been doing?" I asked "stuff" well that's a short answer. "What kinds of stuff?"

"Hey, if I don't get to ask many questions so do you." He replied

"Ok ok fine" baka. He used my own words against me.

"Do you want to get going now? The sky is getting dark." I said as I noticed the sky is indeed getting dark.

Imran's pov

"I guess so" i replied. "Anywhere in mind?" Kiyoshi asked. " I don't" my mind was still replaying the scene where I bit kiyoshi. It was his fault.

"Ok then let's just wander around." He smiled. What's wrong with this man.



And our day is just us getting up and walking around Malaya without getting cought. If you ask me I don't know why I am still with him.

He makes me feel warm. Why?
I don't even know. I just feel like I wanna follow him around.

I don't understand

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