Chapter 1

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Imran's pov [10 years old]

It was hell I hate it here I want to cry. The soldiers just killed 2 of my sisters. Why us? WHY. I just saw mother crying behind the door. "It's no use they are already dead" said on of my sisters to my mother. That just made her cry more. It was too much for her. I feel sad. My 2 beloved sisters are dead. I just want to throw up..

Weeks went by. I was just sneaking around the village when I heard the soldiers talk about the Mpaja? I stayed there to listen for more information. The Mpaja is a anti japanese army? Interesting I want to listen more suddenly I hit something and it brought attention to the soldiers. "Who's there?!" I quickly hide myself and ran away. I got to my house to see some soldiers doing "comfort" to my mother. It was a terrible sight. I went in through the back door and waited for them to finish. I can hear my mother sobbing. It made me wanna cry too. This was my life. I hate it.

6 months past and I'm still thinking about the Mpaja. Are they able to help us? I want to know more. I was thinking about it suddenly a soldier kicked down the door. I thought he just wanted my mother so I wasn't paying that much attention until he grabbed me. It was sudden I was scared out of instinct I bit him. He slapped me and pulled out a gun. I knew it I was doomed. But I don't want to die. Out of the blue I just slid under his legs and went through the door running. He was yelling something in japanese I can't quite hear it. I can't stay here anymore. I ran towards the fence where there isn't that much people. There was a hole there. Too small for the soldiers to fit it. Big enough for me to slid in. I got out it felt nice but it wasn't over yet. I ran into the deep forest. I had this adrenaline. Suddenly I slipped and fell rolling down the mountain. My clothes got holes in it. My skin was bleeding. I was bleeding a lot. I got up it was painful but at least I escaped from them. But.. what about my mother? My sister? I swear I will find the Mpaja and go back when I'm ready. I hugged myself while walking slowly through the dark forest enduring the pain. I'll see you again mother.

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