- Chapter 2: Liang Huan's body...

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Chapter 2: Liang Huan's body...

Liang Huan's delicate and tender body contrasted with Mother Ji's calloused hands, hardened from years of farm work. As Liang Huan winced in pain, the faint sound of bones colliding resonated through her arms.

The pain served as a jolting reminder of her current reality. In this 1970s era, where resources were scarce and poverty prevailed, survival was paramount. Unable to easily venture out without a letter of introduction, Liang Huan was confined to her circumstances.

With a fragile body and a less-than-ideal family background, she couldn't escape her predicament. For now, her sole focus was enduring the challenges that lay ahead.

Though the original host's physical strength was feeble, Liang Huan was different. Having lived for thousands of years, she flexed her arm, freeing herself from Mother Ji's grip.

Mother Ji stumbled backward, her lower body colliding with the nearby cabinet, eliciting a cry of pain. Clutching her waist, she exclaimed, "Oh, my waist! It hurts so much! You wretched girl! How dare you push me?"

Intent on pulling Liang Huan towards her once again, Mother Ji reached out with her other hand. But this time, Liang Huan was prepared. Before Mother Ji's hand could make contact, Liang Huan intercepted it, firmly gripping it. With bright eyes illuminating her gentle face, she confronted Mother Ji, saying, "Mother, you forced Hongjun and me to live in that dilapidated house last night. You provided us with neither food nor clothing. Did you want us to freeze to death? Are you displeased that we're still alive? And now you won't even let me rest in bed. Is your intention to let me freeze to death once more?"

"In the era of the 'new society' advocated by the Chairman, killing people is forbidden. Yet my mother-in-law treats her own son and daughter-in-law this way, hoping for our demise. I shall go to the commune and inquire whether they condone such actions."

Liang Huan, frail and pallid, spoke with resolute clarity in her eyes.

The women in the room, as well as the captain who had accompanied Father Ji outside, overheard her words. The captain sighed and addressed Father Ji, saying, "Lao Ji, our Red Flag Brigade strictly adheres to policies. Your wife's behavior aligns with feudalism and can be subject to criticism and labor reform. If news of this spreads, the consequences could be severe. You may also bear some responsibility."

Father Ji felt as if he had been hit on the head. Looking at Ji Hongjun, who was still unconscious, made him even more worried.

In this society, one person's mistake can implicate their entire family. They could be sent to live in cowsheds or paraded on the streets. Those living in cowsheds are treated inhumanely. If Hongjun were to die, would they face criticism? They couldn't bear to live such a life.

Father Ji sat up and reassured Captain Guobin, "Brother Guobin, don't worry, I understand. I will take care of my child."

Ji Guobin tapped his cigarette twice on the edge of the kang. The ashes fell to the ground. He stood up and said, "Alright, since you said so, I'll leave Hongjun and his wife in your care. Give them some ginger or sugar water to drink. Let's see if Hongjun can wake up. Call the barefoot doctor to come and check on him in the afternoon. I have something else to attend to, so I'm leaving."

After the captain left, everyone else followed suit. In an instant, only the Ji family remained in the room. Without any outsiders, Mother Ji became even more unrestrained and scolded Liang Huan, "You wretched woman! Do you want to betray me? You unfilial thing, I'll kill you!"

Mother Ji raised her hand to slap Liang Huan in the face.

Liang Huan, warm under the quilt, leaned against the head of the bed. She had no intention of sitting still and letting Mother Ji beat her. Her eyes fell upon the ceramic bowl on the small table by the kang. She picked it up and hurled it at Mother Ji.

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