Ch 6: Scarlett

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'Wow. I can't believe it.' Fuze and Gazel were shocked.

Rimuru indeed, has a daughter. Resembles him, but paler hair color as well as skin, more feminine in face with sharper eyes as opposed to her father's 'boyish beauty' with child-like eyes, taller and has 'quite the figure'. She wore a taisho-style schoolgirl uniform. A white kosode with blue flower prints, matching hakama and dark brown boots. Her long hair is in a high ponytail as she had done in life. The hakama of course, is tucked into her boots for convenience.

Basically, Ichigo's entire closet comprised of ancient school uniforms he asked Shuna to make for her.

Its the taisho era style kimono and hakama to showa era sailor uniforms, but cuter variants in his time. It was good that he reinforced conservative underwear production and Ichigo was no bad girl.

To be honest, he was appalled at what young girls her age sees as fashionable in Tokyo most days that he reinforces good girls fashion here-by that, he meant conservativity but Shion was a lost cause as no shirt will fully fit her that...well...yeah. It helps that Ichigo wasn't into that sort of thing, being a girl from an outdated small town anyway, wherein developments was still around early 2000s while Tokyo was already to the times, with tech befitting year 2027 when he died, Ichigo dying two years later at age 17.

His girls in his town are no bad girls! In terms of style at least.

Ichigo had asked, 'Why uniforms?'

'To represent your new beginning here in Tempest as the young girl you should have been, but lost to you when the supernatural came to your life.' Rimuru told her. 'You can live a normal life here. Nobody will force you to fight against your will by threatening you and those you care for any will now choose when you want to, on your own terms.'

In regards to Food Chain, a subskill in Beelzebub where he can copy his subordinates' skills, he can also bestow skills suited to them.

In regards to bestowment? The ones suited to her skills, are Shuna and Diablo in regards to Unique Skill: Monk of Destruction while he is suited to Monstrous Berserker. The Kijin males are suited for Ultra-Speed Magicule Absorption. Then again, so is EVERYONE so he was fine with bestowing such abilities as it means they can survive parenthood if they get married. He also granted Holy Magic Nullification to ALL his people.

When he had told them that in an assembly, his subordinates were over the moon that they could finally have children without worries of dying risks!

Gabiru and Souka especially cried, as their father physically aged from stress just to have two kids!

As for Holy Magic Nullification...he hasn't forgiven what nearly happened. Everyone must have that skill, not just two people...being himself and Ichigo.

They also have Physical Attack Increase and Pain Nullification. In regards to Advanced Growth Rate, he let Raphael choose who to give it to as he was too generous but y'know, skills falling in wrong hands?

Then regarding Arts...damn near everyone was suited to it. And for being the oldest in town, Rimuru didn't bother with the newcomer regarding a copy of Ichigo's Arts. He is capable of it even if he didn't possess the skill by virtue of his experience in combat and magic.

'Well, I was shocked too but here she is.' said Rimuru, introducing Ichigo. 'Her name is Ichigo, my only child. Apparently, the world decided I need a successor so I gave birth to her before my evolution was fully-completed. Because in the law of monsters, the stronger you are, the more having children became unnecessary through decreasing fertility until sterility occurs at one's peak of power. She's only a few days old so she's still a bit shy and getting used to people.'

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