Chapter II -

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I was collecting everything that I owned while waiting for Maine to pick me up. While I was packing stuff up, Wolf was also helping out. I did. my best to look away from their bodies so I wouldn't cry because crying anymore would actually hurt. Once I was done packing, I sat with my back against the door and stared at the floor.

Wolf: Y/N...

Y/N: What?

Wolf: I...can't understand how you must feel, but...I found this. Playing audio recording - To my Glorious Son

Y/N: Wha?

Tadasuke: Hey son...I wasn't sure if you would make it home in time for me to tell you this message personally so I decided to make this audio recording just in case I go Cyberpsycho before you do. Taniko and I have both known that I was going to end losing my war to Cyberpsychosis eventually, A samurai should always be prepared for death – whether his own or someone else's, after all. As a result, we both made a pact that when the time that I lose my mind inevitably comes, she would die right alongside with me so we'll never be apart, even in death. I know this will be hard for you, after all...we found you wandering the streets of this city all alone with only Wolf by your side. You seemed so oblivious to the dangers around you at times and we couldn't stand by and leave you to the cruel fate of this city. That's why I offered you a home with us and taught you as much as I could about cyberware and how to use a sword. Sure, firearms may be more modern but a HF Blade can cut through just about everything. Anyways, we couldn't stand by and let the city kill you, but I must admit we were surprised to learn about who you truly are. While your past was nightmarish and unfathomably cruel, everything happens for a reason. You were gifted these, powers. You were gifted these powers for a reason... I want you to know that...I wasn't always a good person, kid. I've stolen from people, I've backstabbed people...I've killed many people with the blade I have passed on to you. I would've gone psycho much earlier if it weren't for my beloved Taniko. She helped me forget the devil inside me, but even to this day, it urges me to kill. I can feel myself slipping back into its grasp...but Taniko and I are ready to die. She knows I'm making this message right now and she wants me to let you know that we love you. You see, I used to be an Edgerunner or Cyberpunk if you want. I used to be the best of the best, and since you met Maine just now, I'll let you know that he's a good guy and has a good heart. I know he'll do great teaching you to be a cyberpunk...*chuckles* if you choose to follow that path. Night City... is unfortunately ruled by corruption. That's why I wish for you to be a cyberpunk. You can bring about a change...a change for the better or even worst. It all depends on what actions you take. I'm sure you know that every action has consequences. I know you sometimes have difficulty understanding the world around you due to how long you've been in complete isolation, but I know Maine and his crew will be there for you, and Wolf most especially. Wolfy will never leave your side. All in all, Don't be afraid to have fun and be a teen. To be honest, Night City is a crime infested shit hole so don't be afraid to be a bit bad. Just...don't go around slaughtering people with no reason. No matter what happens, Taniko's spirit and mine will be there for you. Remember, Yesterday is but a dream, tomorrow is but a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day. With that, I shall rest in peace, knowing that my apprentice and son, has truly become, the next Samurai. Ganbatte, my son. Ganbatte.

Y/N: *takes a deep breath and smiles* Thanks Gramps...I'll do my best.

After a few minutes, there was a knock on the door so I got up and opened it.

Maine: Sup kid. Ready to go?

Y/N: To your place? Sure.

Maine: Ha ha ha! No. You're staying with Lucy tonight. My Girlfriend and I have...plans.

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