Log 10: May 14, 1992

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Last year, Tsugumi and I were reunited with Dad after 8 years of not knowing if Dad had given up hope or had even been killed. Dad hadn't given up on us, but he lost so many people, and by the time he found Tsugumi and me, he had been alone and almost completely isolated since Isla's sudden death in 1987. I think the two people he misses the most are Isla and my mom, Primrose. Everything he went through couldn't have been easy on him, and I feel very sorry for him. On the surface, I knew he was trying to be happy for Tsugumi and me, but underneath the surface, I could tell his heart and soul were breaking. I wish I was there for him through all the sorrow he went through.

At least he's trying to lift his spirits, I guess. I kept looking at the scars on my arms that I got from my altercation with Jericho Dawson, and after hearing about what happened to the Mystic Union and Director Wetumpka, I felt majorly guilty about leaving. Dad told me, "It wasn't your fault, Zaydilyn. It was fate that probably lured you to Wilkeskent."

I nodded, but in my mind, I simply threw away that idea. I knew it was bogus. If I knew that leaving the MU would've led me back to dad, I would've left years ago. I felt equally guilty and scared. I was scared about what was and what is up ahead. Jericho is going to continue to come for me. Every day since Jericho's attack on the MU, I'd look out the window and just mutter, "He's out there."

I know he is. I can't let him hurt my family and friends. I knew it then too. Earlier today, every hour was rough. I had a bad fever and was bedridden. Bored out of my mind, I fell onto my pillow and closed my eyes. My body felt like it was roasting on a fire. I didn't want to stay still but Clark kept saying, "You need to rest, Zaydi."

Why did I think of Aleczander when he said that? It was the same tone that Zandri used when he talked to me. I guess that dork has a habit of following me around even if I don't know it. I'll never catch a break from that British Bacon.

I started feeling weaker as I drifted off into, I mean, I guess it was sleep. "Feel better, sis," I heard Tsugumi say as her voice echoed while fading.

I opened my eyes moments later, but I wasn't in my room. It was Raesdon's town square on one side and Robloxia's town square on the other. Both of them were burning to the ground with yellow flames and pitch-black smoke. On Raesdon's sidewalk, a dismantled Guesty, and two burnt and bloody corpses were on their sides and on Robloxia's sidewalk, another corpse was on its back. My eyes widened when I realized who the corpses were. In Raesdon, the corpses were Dad and Tsugumi, and in Robloxia, the corpse was Aleczander. "No!" I shouted, "No, no, no! What happened to them?"

Suddenly, from behind me, I heard a small chuckle. I slowly turned around and was horrified to see Jericho Dawson himself standing only a few inches away from me. Before I could think of what to do, Dawson grabbed me by the throat and lifted me off the burning ground. Laughing, he said, "What a pleasure to see you again, Zaydilyn. I relish with joy every time I get to torment you."

I struggled to break free against Dawson's continually tightening grip. As I started to black out again, Dawson threw me very, very harshly against the ground. My heart was racing as I woke up in a panic. Tears were stinging my eyes and I felt severely sick to my stomach. I let out a horrified scream and Dad immediately burst into my room. "Zaydilyn, what's wrong! Are you ok?" he asked in a panic.

Dad rushed over to the side of my bed, and I instantly clung to him as he sat down. I was bawling my eyes out while I hyperventilated. I didn't want to let him go. I felt that at that moment, if I let go, Dawson would kill him right before my eyes. Dad hugged me and stroked my hair. "Zaydi," he began, "what happened?"

Still sobbing, I stuttered, "Y-you and T-Tsugumi are d-dead."

Dad sighed and wiped the tears away from my eyes. His face was ridden with a strong sense of vulnerability and fear. I know that leaving Tsugumi and me behind is Dad's worst fear, and that day, it moderately came true. "Shh," Dad began to gently say, "you just had a bad dream, Zaydilyn."

I was still crying and shaking as I yelled, "No! It was real!"

"Zaydi, listen to me. We are here. We aren't dead. We will always be here for you. Now if you excuse me, the burger patties are burning."

That's my dad, Zayden Yamada, for you. Reassuring, wise, and gentle, and then a clumsy klutz.

Dad yelled from down the stairs, "So, uh, how about pizza for lunch?"

Tsugumi and I let him know we were a-ok with that choice. Dad is a great cook, but not when he is distracted.

            What happened in that dream haunted me in the hours that followed, so I devised a plan. I would lure Dawson to me and take care of him myself. "Zaydi, you are insane! This is suicide!" Clark exclaimed.

I started to climb out of my bedroom window and replied, "So what if it is? I have to try even if it gets me killed."

I made it to the ground without alerting Dad, Guesty, or Tsugumi, and I ran into the forest behind my house. I had a backpack carrying 9 candles that matched the last digit of the year Jericho and Clark were born, 1899. Along with the candles, I pack a kitchen knife and a lighter. I walked about 7 miles before making it to a clearing in the woods. I stopped and opened the backpack. "Zaydilyn," Clark began to say, "you have gone mad.

I rolled my eyes, not replying as I laid the candles in a circle and lit them. Then, I took the knife and cut my arm so that a little blood would spill into the center of the candle-lit circle. I sat and closed my eyes. "O come to me righteous Blox Watch and watch my dedication to you thrive," I chanted.

I opened my eyes, but nothing happened. Just as I was about to walk away, I heard a faint crackling sound. It was like a live wire. I turned around, and there stood Jericho Dawson AKA, Blox Watch. Smirking, I said, "Well, well, there is the jerk I was waiting for."

"Oh, you fool," Dawson started, "you led me right near your family. Maybe taking some people you love will get you to surrender this world to me."

In an instant, Dawson teleported to my house as I stood in horror. I was about to run after him when I heard a loud, thunderous, BANG! Suddenly, I fell to the ground and saw Paxton Xonipher with his Beretta M9. "It's a pleasure," he said as he sported a new pale skin tone. I guess the chemical we fell into erased the tan he got.

He ran after Jericho as my vision went black and I was left for dead.

Won't someone help me?


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