when your stressed ! | all ☂

Start from the beginning

luckily for you, you're the most trustworthy person he trusts to leave you alone in his lab for a couple of hours, of course, he told you to not touch anything, he's not insane.

you reached a part where you had no idea what to do, and you hated not knowing what to do. you wanted to ask donnie but you were worried you'd be a burden to him so you stayed silent as you tried to think.

you held the sheet of paper in hand as you sat back down and used your pencil to scratch your head, nothing clicked. you were even more confused.

suddenly, the sound of the door behind you opening and closing caused you to jump a bit as you wiped your face with your hands and look back at your paper.

"how's the homework coming along, dove?" donnie's voice hummed in your ear when you saw him circle around the desk you sat at, and without looking at him you replied with a, "ms'okay.." and that made donnie look up at you,

"are you sure, you seem to be looking a bit hot?" he spoke up with a soft voice when he reached his hand out to place his palm on your forehead. you allowed him to do so, your eyes still fixated on the paper.

he noticed your stressed state, your hand gripped your head as you looked at the sheet, and donnie let out a soft, gentle sigh. "how about.." he began, taking your hand away from your head and taking your other one to place in front of you, "we take a break from your homework and just moderate? i can help you with it later if you desire?"

finally, your eyes perked up to come face-to-face with your boyfriend, causing you to nod softly and stand up, him following and you suddenly embraced him in a hug. at first, he went stiff but he slowly started to rub your back. he leaned down and whispered in your ear, causing you to shiver but melted in his arms.

"remember that you are so smart and talented! you can overcome anything, including this silly science assignment!"


"UGH!—you stupid piece of!—" you growled as you kicked the engine of the turtle tank. you've been at this for hours, trying to start it back up again while donnie was too busy to fix it, for he along with mikey was on a patrol. you thought this would be easy, clearly, donnie forgot to mention he upgraded the tank after he and mikey left!

you kicked it for the fifth time, but obviously that did nothing to help but just make your foot numb.

suddenly, your turtle boyfriend in red walked into the garage to see you on the floor, a wrench beside you with the hood of the turtle tank open, your legs were crossed as you glared at the floor in anger and tiredness.

"y.n?" his voice made you jump and you whip your head around to see him walk over to you with a soft expression. "oh- hi babe-." you sighed, rubbing your hands over your face as you stood back up, "what brings you here?" you asked, wiping your forehead with your wrist.

raph looked at you with a soft smile, "i just wanted to come by and tell you it's almost mine and leo's time to go on patrol-" "oh! well, have fun!" you say, not letting him finish as you went back to the engine, but you were suddenly pulled back and into the arms of your boyfriend, "raph? what are you doing—?" "you look hot, and you've been dwelling in here all morning so i talked to both leo and dad, and i want you to come with us! just for this time, you get your mind off of things,"

you looked at raph and blinked a couple of times, "but—what about the—." "donnie will be here to fix the rest of it! now come on, you need to grab a sweater, it's cold out!" he took your body and placed you over his shoulder, walking out of the garage with a smile on his face.

you smiled softly at your boyfriend, he always knows how to get you calm when you need it the most. and that's what you loved about him, he's patient with you.


"baby? are you in here!"


your boyfriend yelped as he turned a corner from the hallway to hear your scream from the kitchen, causing him to hide in his shell and slowly peek out to see you standing by the counter with a book in your hands.

you we're trying to bake something for the family as a surprise because they do so much for you, you just feel bad you can't do anything to give back to them. you tried to bake a cake. sure, sounds simple ... if you like burnt cakes as your dessert, then yeah simple.

"y.n.n?" you looked to the entrance of the kitchen to see mikey look back at you, on the floor sitting down as he had his hands on the frame where the door would be.

"GAH! MIKEY!" you screamed as you grabbed a pot as you covered the cake and threw the leftover ingredients and tools used to bake it into the sink as you smiled nervously at him, your elbow on the counter with the hand on your head and your other hand on your hip.

"h—hi!" mikey pout, standing up from his spot as he walked to you, "were you trying to bake something?" he asked and with a sigh, you arch your back forward and let out a small sob, "i tried to bake a stupid cake for you and the family, but turns out i'm to STUPID to even do that!"

you lift the pot from the cake and he cringes at the cake, it was pure black with burnt marks on the side of it, crisps on the plate it sat upon. "i'm sure you tried you best!" he began to think, and suddenly he grinned and snapped his fingers.

he grabs a chef's hat from the cupboard and places one on yours and his head as he took out an orange and [favorite color] apron, tossing the [favoirte color] to you, causing you to catch it and saw mikey put his on.

"we'll bake one together! i have some experience and baking, so it shouldn't be that hard! and where's the fun in baking by yourselff? no wonder you had such a hard time, you were doing this all by yourself!"

as mikey started ranting and grabbing the ingredients from the sink. you smiled at him. maybe this cake isn't such a disaster after all.

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