32. Just Friends

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"Adira?" Silence again. I have to open this door, I don't give a fuck.

To my surprise the door is unlocked so I open it, and quickly realize no one is there. What the hell?

"You said she was here." I demand, my tone accusing as I speak. I tower over her and she just stares at me.

"Where is-" I continue talking but I'm interrumped as she throws herself at me and kisses my lips harshly.

I immediately push her away. I'm disgusted.

"What the hell?" I scrunch my nose and wipe my lips as I get away from her.

Before I could keep complaining she left the room without saying a word, as if nothing happened. I hear some screaming in the hallway so I leave the room as well.

I see Jessica pulling on Adira's hair. My blood boils as I hear the bullshit this bitch is saying and the way Adira seems affected by it.

I was about to push her away from Luna, but she did it herself.

"I'm not interested in arguing with bitches like you, go bark somewhere else." Luna says and I didn't have the time to laugh at Jessica because she quickly regained her balance and stupidly charged towards her.

I just had to step on her way for a second for her to fall to the floor.

"Oops." I say as I look at my Luna, both trying not to laugh.

Jessica leaves after saying some nonsense and I quickly reach Adira and pull her into my arms. I let out the breath I was holding all this time.

Adira's POV (Back to where last chapter ended)

What am I gonna do now?

I was supposed to sleepover in Jess' house, what the hell am I gonna say to my parents now? How am I going to school after being humiliated like this?

Now that the heat of the moment has eased, I'm able to feel the big void inside of me, the way my mind is processing a million thoughts but not a single one at the same time. It feels like my thoughts are having a contest to see which one should go first, but they all are shit and are disqualified on the first try.

And I swear I'm screaming to the top of my lungs, but my lips won't open, and no one can hear me. It feels like screaming over the loud music when you can't even hear yourself. My thoughts make me feel this way.

"Hey?" Jordan's voice stops the train of thoughts clouding completely my mind.

"Hi." I stupidly reply back. My voice cracked as if I haven't spoken in centuries.

He is driving, I don't know where but I don't really care. I have nowhere to be anyways.

"About the kiss-" He starts but I interrupt him.

"You don't have to explain yourself, it's none of my business, we are just friends." I say and feel the way my heart tugs with every word that leaves my mouth.

I wish I didn't care, but I do.

When I saw them, deep down I wished that was me, but I'm always the one that stands by and just gets to watch, to listen about it, and to imagine myself in those romantic situations in a form of consolation.

I don't know what happened with them. I don't know if I want to know what they were doing together or what I missed. The one thing I know is that it doesn't really matter, the outcome is the same.

I guess we are just friends? I have no idea and I'm too delusional to come to rational conclusions. When someone is slightly nice to me I think they could be into me, and when someone is clearly into me I think they are just friendly. Who am I to know?

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