17. Unknown Number

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After about 20 minutes on rode we reached my house, the rain was still heavy and I was contemplating my options.

"This whole shit wouldn't have happened if we had each other's numbers." Jordan said while parking the car in front of my house.

"Yeah, I wouldn't have ruined my freaking shoe either." I said pouting at my white sneaker that looked gray now.

"Here. Type your number." He handed me his phone and I did as he asked. 

"You should text me something so I can save your number, otherwise I will freak out if I get a message from an unknown number and I will probably block you." I said honestly to which he frowned.

"You would block me even if I told you who am I?" He asked and it actually took me a few seconds to reply.

"Well how would I know it's actually you and not a stalker? Like hello, you haven't ever watched Pretty Little Liars or what? Getting texts from unknown numbers is scary, like how would they get my number in the first place." I reasoned and after a few seconds I realized how paranoid I sound.

"You are so dramatic." He said, playfully rolling his eyes while typing something in his phone.

"And you are not lying." I agreed. I know I overthink everything, no need to be pointed out.

My phone vibrated and I saw a new message notification.

4:17 p.m. Unknown number: I'm watching you.

"So funny, Jordan." I saved his number and then looked up to him with a blank face to see a small smirk on his face.

"What? I'm literally watching you, and you wanted me to text you." He said raising his hands in surrender.

"This is something A would say, you totally watched Pretty Little Liars."

"Who the fuck is A?" He asked with his typical what-the-hell-are-you-talking-about face.

"I can't tell you that, it's literally a spoiler."

"I don't care if you spoil me, I'm not watching that shit." He said with a serious face.

"You know what? We will watch it together and I won't take a no for an answer." For just a second I thought about how I'm literally bossing him around, but I don't care at the moment.

"When?" He asked and I raised my eyebrows in surprise, I thought he would just say no and kick me out of his car.

"Uh what about right now?" I was aware that today both of my parents won't be home until midnight because of some event, so if Jordan stays for a few hours won't hurt anyone.

"Ok let's make a deal, first we will watch that show, but when we finish I will choose one." He suggested and I felt my heart doing a flip at the thought of him wanting to spend time with me, like we won't finish watching both shows anytime soon, Pretty Little Liars alone is 7 seasons long.

"Bet." I said trying to hide my smile. I have never watched a show with someone, it sounds exciting.

"Wait here." Jordan said to me before getting out of the car.

He reached my door with a small umbrella in his hands and right now I was more than thankful that he carries his whole house with him.

I grabbed my things before getting under the umbrella with Jordan. As I said, the umbrella is small, so we stayed as close as possible and ran towards my front door.

After a few seconds of discussion with myself, I decided that it was better for us to watch tv in my room for two reasons. First of all, I'm scared that if we hang in the living room his delicious smell with stay all around the place, specially when I literally smell like him too. I don't mind, he smells amazing, but my parents will notice something is off. And the second reason is that if for some reason Jordan needs to be hidden from my parents, we will have a couple extra seconds.

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