Chapter 13 *electricity*

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OK, I said I wasn't going to do episode 6 but I might have changed my mind. but it will be a little different. 

danny was helping harry do the dishes while robin sat at the table doing his crossword on the newspaper, and roy was feeding dezzie. "thanks again for helping out with dezzie roy." robin said not looking away from his paper. roy just nodded. "alright one across. the clue is the opposite of down." robin said. "two letters.. hmm that's a tricky one!" "opposite of down. try above?" robin tried it but it didn't fit. "no!" "hey I know! it when over the top of you there are bigger ones, that are bigger, and bigger, and then over it, there's a smaller one over all of it," danny said chuckling as robin wrote all of it down. "what?" harry said. "huh?" danny said as roy stood there holding the spoon of baby food in the air. he was frozen. "that's not going to fit!" robin said breaking roy out of his frozen state and he continued feeding dezzie. "now I'm going to have to shred the whole thing in my personal shredder." "ok!" danny said taking the plate he had been holding and throwing it in the bin. "what your just putting the plates in the bin?" "no. .. yeah" "they go in the cupboard.." "yeah the cupboard!" danny said opening the cupboard and all the plates fell to the floor and smashed on impact. and one of the plates hit dannys nose. "ow.." "does anyone else want anything shredded?" roy raised his hand. "yes roy?" roy took a small folded piece of paper out of his pocket and unfolded it. it said. "you have to unplug the machine again to escape this nightmare" on it. roy gave it to robin. robin shredded it not even looking at the paper. he didn't want to invade roys personal things. "anyone else?" "how about this?" harry said holding up a bill for 'electricity'. "well whos cares I'm not paying for that electricity is silly stuff." just then the electricity box had a muffled voice come from it. whatever was in there was trying to open up the box. roy whispered something to danny and went upstairs without robin or harry noticing. 


"what are you doing?!? i told you not to do that lesson!!" 

"oh but danny should get to know me, love."

"stop the lesson now Lesley!" 


". . ."

"looks like someone needs to spend some time in punish land."

just then some tentacles came out of the darkness and pulled roy back into the darkness with them. the last thing that could be seen was Roy's hand reaching out trying to grab anything but then going limp and getting pulled into the darkness.


(GUYS GUYS ROYS GONNA BE FINE so don't worry at all)

just then the object that looked like a bunch of wires and boxes flew out and onto the floor. quickly springing up. "so. i hear you guys don't think electricity is cool huh? is that the deal??" "uh yes." "OHH so i guess ill be leaving then. ill just go back in my box shall i? and I'm going to take all the light bulbs and the CDs and the electric wiscs with me, is that cool??" "what the hell are you gonna do with them?" 

*after song*

danny sat there happily with his cardboard guitar. "i cannot believe how wrong i was!" "electricity can you ever forgive me?" "don't worry friend. soon everything in this house will be electric, just like me!" "wait.. i thought you had to be plugged in to be electric. your not plugged in" "i knew it shes a liar! electricity isn't real guys!" robin said proudly. "no silly! i am powered by my batteries" she said opening her torso/box to reveal batteries. "batteries of course." "ohh yeah. just like me and dad!" "no stupid! isn't he stupid?" "he sure is" "no i am half batteries see?" danny said unbuttoning the top of his overauls and sliding them off while doing so opening a hatch revealing dirty old batteries.. "oh god..." "they reek!" "w-when was the last time you changed those friend?" "change? but my dad said I'm not supposed to change them." "oh but you need to switch the batteries with fresh ones every now and then so that-" "well yours look nice and fresh" robin said taking out electracys batteries and dannys and switching them. "there. much better!" "*gibberish that i cant understand*" tracy said (tracy is electricity if you didn't know-) as she wobbled struggling to stay on her feet. "so danny do you feel any?" danny stood there. but in his view everything was going haywire. he felt more alive then ever. then when he snapped back to reality he was different. instead of his normal black pupils he had green eyes now. and his hair wasn't its normal mowhawky look instead it was nice and neat like a school boys hair. "do you feel any.. different?" harry asked. "i feel.." before danny could answer he felt someone touch him from behind him and he quickly looked behind him and saw a hand and something covered by tenticals. "d-dont go u-upstairs!-" the person said before being pushed into darkness. 

"danny  you okay?" harry asked as danny snapped back to reality once more. "uh yeah yeah I'm fine" danny said fixing his overhauls. 


"it was such a waste trying to warn him dear. i really didn't want to have to do this to you.." lesley said having a bat in her hands. roy was being held against the wall by tenticals. now these tenticals weren't like octopus tenticals they were inky black tenticals. but anyway roy was trying to escape and whenever he tried to stretch he felt extreme pain. it seemed the tenticals were somehow keeping him from stretching his arms.

"i hope this helps you understand to stay out of my WAY" lesley said as she hit roy right in the gut with the bat making him throw up some blood. she continues hitting him with the bat until his lips and mouth were completely red. she then dropped the bat and went over to the lifeless roy and held his head in her hands. "oh dear.. i may have gone overboard... give me the firs aid kit." lesley said to someone as the tenticals gave her a first aid kit. then she bandages his stomach.. 




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