chapter 10 *fathers day and a bath.*

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danny woke up and rubbed his eyes. it had been a couple weeks sense the "Warren" incident and everyone fighting. dannys eye was still a little bruised but other then that he was fine. harry had his broken arm not from roy but from robin and his face was bruised. robin had to get a bunch of stitches on his face from danny throwing the beer bottle at him. danny had scratches all over his body and had gotten a bloody nose. and roy, well no one was brave enough to even touch him except danny, but danny didn't want to hurt his dad too much so of course roy only had small scratch marks on his arms from danny and his nose bled. but anyway danny looked at the calendar and realized it was fathers day! he wasn't as excited as he used to be because.. well i think you know why. but that didn't matter anymore.. it was fathers day! and danny was going to make roy the best fathers day gift ever! 

danny looked around and saw his dad sleeping on harrys bed next to harry. danny was a little shocked harry was okay with this but he brushed it off and quietly went into the kitchen. he grabbed some crayons and paper out of a cupboard. "whatcha doing dan?" robin asked reading the newspaper at the table. he had obviously gotten up awhile ago. "I'm making a gift for dad. its fathers day." danny said sitting at the table and drawing. robin looked at the calendar and quickly took it and hid it in the cupboard. "what was that about robin?" danny said confused. "i don't want harry knowing its fathers day.. you know how he gets thinking about... everything that happened.. gosh even i get mad thinking about how that stupid teacher made you ea-" robin was quickly interrupted by danny running into the bathroom and throwing up. even mentioning that day made danny become sick. robin quietly but quickly ran into the bathroom and sat by danny patting his back. "you gonna be okay buddy? sorry for talking about.." "its fine. and ill be okay!" danny said wiping his mouth and running back to the kitchen. he continued making his present for roy. as the day passed danny continued his gift getting up only for food and to get more supplies. 

*here have this*

"ugh.. robin is tha-WHAT THE HECK?!?!?!?" harry said as he pushed roy off of him immediately waking him up. "OK ROY YOUR ALREADY STAYING WITH US YOUR NOT ALOUD TO SLEEP WITH ME" harry said angerly as he got up. "you said it was fine..." roy said getting up and going into the living room. 

after a long day danny finally finished it. he wiped his face. his hair was all messy and full of glitter. "you got your hair all dirty dan. guess ill be giving you a bath." danny quickly covered his project. roy raised a brow. "what are you hiding son?" "n-nothing!.. ugh i guess there's no hiding it." danny uncovered the paper full of glitter. it had a good drawing of him and his dad on it, like better then ever before. it said "happy fathers day!" on it and roy stared at it. "do you.. like it?" danny asked. then roy smiled and hugged his son. "i love it. now lets give you that bath."

meanwhile with robin. he came out with a pregnancy test in his hands. "robin why do you have a pregnancy test?" harry asked confused. but then he realized. "i-im pregnant..."

DONT GET MAD AT ME ill be doing a separate smut chapter for them i just didn't wanna ruin the innocence of this chapter :3


"and he worked all day on it."

"yeah yeah very nice."

"what?? whats got you in a bad mood?"

"he never gives me any mothers day gifts."

"because he doesn't know you exist lesley."




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