chapter 8 *friendship! part 1*

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the day started with red watering a plant. the plants leaves had small computers on it. roy picked one of the computers off of its stem and threw it onto the ground and it grew into a big computer. everyone cheered and roy just smiled. "𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚞𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚍𝚊𝚢!" the computer said before sitting onto the desk as everyone sat together. "alright i got the keyboard" harry said putting his hands on the keyboard "and i got the mouse. two hands for complete control. you wont get away from me this year!" robin sad moving the mouse around with his hands. "𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚐𝚛𝚒𝚙." the computer said. "thank you" "and the password?" harry said looking at the nodding danny. then he looked at harry confused. "me? i- i don't know the password.." "what?! that's your only thing! you came up with it your supposed to remember it!" robin said with anger in his voice. "oh.. yeah.. do you remember the password dad?" danny asked looking at roy. roy simply stood there. he did know the password. but he wanted to test something. he wanted to see if his son could remember and how good of friends harry and robin really were. "so what is it? come on think it through" harry said annoyed. "umm... ummm..." danny was thinking as hard as he could. "hurry up we need to get online!" "I'm trying.." danny said still trying to remember. "maybe.. maybe its my name try my name." danny said. "yeah ok that makes sense." harry typed in dannys name. "𝚘𝚑! 𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚝𝚛𝚢! 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢." the computer said declining the password. "awww" danny said. "i know! try my name!" robin said as harry typed robin into the computer. "𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜!" "yay!!" they all cheered "𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 𝚒𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚍!" "aww." 

a little skip to after the tests thing because i don't want to have to have colin say many things- 

"well.. i guess computer day is canceled this year." harry said turning away from the computer. "ugh this is all my fault! why cant i remember the password?? stupid brain i know its in there stupid stupid!" danny said hitting his head. "hey its not your fault. your just a #######" dannys jaw dropped. roys eye (not eyes one of his eyes like doesn't work? he can still see he just cant look around with it) quickly turned to harry. roys arm stretched and picked up harrys arm. wrapping around it and slowly squeezing it. "uh roy that's a little tight there- ROY STOP!!!" you could hear the bones crushing. "dad stop!!" danny begged to roy. roy let go of harrys arm and roys arm went back to normal. "ow christ.." harry held his nearly broken arm. but then everything stopped like a VHS tape. well except roy. he was still in complete control. "ok stop!" a not familiar voice said. "did you see what just happened there? me too" the voice chuckled a bit. "now. id like you to ask yourself this question. was that the right way to treat somebody? or was it actually really hurtful and horrible" "w-whats h-h-happening?" danny said his voice sounding slightly glitchy. roy didn't like this weird mysterious voice already. "now lets see how that should have gone!"


"wait was that supposed to be m-e-e-" harry said before his voice glitched out like dannys before. "cuz you know what? there's nothing wrong with him and there's nothing wrong with me." the worm said laughing. but at harrys and robins perspective it looked like he was talking to himself. "who is that?" harry whispered. "idk i think its an insane person." robin whispered back. the worm like thing hopped onto his suitcase next to danny. "what are you supposed to be?" danny asked looking at the strange creature. "I'm warren the eagle." warren said giving danny a wet card but before danny could even touch it roys stretched out arm grabbed it and looked at it. "it says your a worm." roy said handing back the card. "w-what no it doesn't see it says eagle!!" warren nervously said pointing to where it said eagle. "you currently  don't look like an eagle." robin said "𝚎𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜!" the computer said printing a page all about eagles. "yep that's right. and some eagles wings take longer to sprout. so when they do there gonna be bigger and stronger then normal!" warren said. "well up actually were busy today today is our computer day." harry said as everyone turned back to the computer and warren was sitting on the table right next to roy. "oh i can see your in the middle of something mate! a string of vicious personal attacks!! on someone you call a friend!" warren said pointing to danny as roy muttered something. "don't worry dad I'm sure he wont try anything. "uh what?" warren said confused. "oh my dad thinks your up to something bad." "well i don't know what your father has seen but i just want to help you guys!" "wait a minute are you saying we are the bad friends? roy just literally almost broke my arm!" harry said looking at his no bandaged arm. "its him who couldn't remember the password." robin said as roy gave him a look. "oh so your saying even though I'm not with the ok stop corporation your saying i don't know when i see a bad friendship?" warren asked a little annoyed. "hes some sort of freelancer." robin said "𝚏𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚍𝚒𝚎!" the computer said making warren give a look. "just stop talking and listen ok??" warren said getting agitated "just pay attention alright?" 

*after the song/story because I'm lazy :D*

"I'm sorry we just do not have time for this." harry said unplugging the piano. "ok i get it. you don't think it was an interesting story." warren said "not really." "it was clearly about you" robin said. "well would it surprise you to know that the guy in that story was actually- "you" danny interrupted. "me" warren said completely ignoring danny. robin and harry started talking but then "ok stop. belive it there was a time in my life where even i had problems making and keeping friends" "but how can a handsome and confident worm-EAgle have trouble keeping friends?" "good question-" "maybe because of how you look?" harry said making warren stop and slowly turn to harry and the rest. kind of like what roy did to the coffin. "the way i.. look?" "yeah you look like a lumpy red ball." "e-ehh i don't think-" "no i think he looks more like a bit of a bigger animal that fell off and came to life." "you look like an old persons finger." danny said looking at his finger. they all kept calling warren rude things except roy. he just watched as the worms eyes became big and bulged. "i know. its cuz you have beady eyes like a rat!" danny said then warren started whimpering like he was in pain. "what is he doing?" "looks like hes in pain." "are you dying?" danny asked. "actually I'm laughing.." you could hear him softly start to laugh "because it doesn't bother me. and it doesn't bother me because i have something called co-" "rat eyes!" danny yelled. "NOT rat eyes!" warren said. "that's it! that's the password! rat eyes!!" "he made a name of course" robin said as harry typed it in "hey it worked!"

*do i need to say anything? skip!*

"lets check our emails!" harry checked his first having a message from robin. then he sent one to robin. "my turn!" robin said checking his inbox and seeing one message from harry. "my turn my turn!" danny said quickly going to his inbox but seeing... nothing.... "nothing in the inbox ay? well there's always next year" robins and harrys voice soon became muffled as danny sat there. then his face became melted at sad. roy looked at danny and realized what had happened. he quickly hugged his son close. "whats happened to him..?"

I'm sorry my friends and boyfriend but this will have to be split into two parts! but i hope you enjoyed the chapter <)

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