chapter 2 *jobs*

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everyone was sitting in their usual spot except roy. he was just sitting on the floor, danny tried to give his spot to roy but roy refused. they all just sat there in silence then robin finally broke the silence. "are we doing anything today??" he said sounding very annoyed. "idk.. ill check the schedule" said harry as he pulled out his phone and went onto the planner app. it all said nothing, "we are doing nothing today." "what?!?!" robin said grabbing harrys phone "shh you might wake dezzie." harry said looking upstairs and listening for any crying. "i cant believe we are doing nothing today." robin said handing harry his phone back. "maybe we can find something to do?" danny said before a random suitcase with legs arms and eyes appeared. "well ill leave you four too it!" he said proudly smiling. "who-" harry said. "i don't want to be late for my job!" he said. "your job?" danny said confused. "yes! and a job can be very enjoyable if you find the right one. "that's what we can do today! find jobs! suitcase man take us to our jobs!" robin demanded. "should we take dezzie with?" harry said before roy stood up and went and got dezzie and gave harry a thumbs up "you cant just go somewhere and work there! you need to find the job you like!" 

*time skip to after the song but before we get back to the story just laugh at this one funny idea i had*

"you can have a job at ah-" the suitcase stopped seeing the old man staring at him, "um.. hello?" the suitcase said and all he got back was the sound of heavy breathing. "um anyway!"

sorry i just thought that was funny X'D

"roy do you have dezzie??" harry said panic in his voice. roy showed the happy awake baby duckling in his arms. "oh thank god. now where are we?" harry said looking around. "idk maybe we can ask those guys." danny said pointing to all the workers who seemed to all be some sort of tool. harry took a microphone speaker and said "hello, have you seen a suitcase with arms and legs anywhere?" one of the tools pointed to a green medical suitcase. "no no he's a business suitcase" "you have to be rude!" robin said taking the microphone speaker. "attention freaks! we arent supposed to be here so tell us the way to the exit!" they all ignored him and continued working "weird. they act like they don't respect me" robin said turning off the microphone speaker. "maybe this is our job, what do you think dad?" danny said looking at roy. roy looking around and then shrugged. danny went over to the tool working next to a canvary belt. "what are you doing?" danny asked. "we are making bolts and screws." they said as they squished a clop of clay and it turned into a screw. "would you like to try?" the wrench asked. "sure!" danny said squishing another piece of clay and it turned into a different screw. "yay i did it!" danny said clapping. "that's a quality product!" the person who was a screw said as the wrench put it in a machine. "did you see it dad??" danny said as roy nodded. "let me try!" robin said as he squished a random clop of clay but this time it didn't turn into a screw or part. it turned into a gross creature. "oh dear." the screw person said as he pulled a lever and the creature was sent into a shredding machine and killed.

so I'm going to skip to after the carehound thing and stuff because i don't have all day to type the entire story

robin was happy that he was finally gonna get to have his job but then when he comes in he sees roy not holding dezzie. "roy.. where is dezzie?" robin said confused but also worried. then roy pointed over somewhere and dezzie was standing there. but she was almost an adult! robins eyes widened in shock "what the heck?!" then harry came out and started doing a speech about danny and danny was 50! and he had a child. robin was so angry he threw the card into the shredder machine. danny tried to grab it but got his hand shredded off! everyone was being crazy until..

"oh you can be the one who gets the post from the postbox!" 

*you get the point*

then everyone was back where they were before before all the chaos and dezzie was a baby duckling again, "my phone.." harry said. "welp! i better get off to work!" then the suitcase was gone. "what.. just happened..?" danny said as he looked at roy. "roy you were the only one not effected by whatever happened or not gone like me. tell us what happened please." roy looked at everyone and he knelt down to danny height and started whispering into dannys ear. "mhm, mhm, oh uh... you guys don't wanna know.." danny said as his face went pale. "hey why cant roy talk to us and only you??" harry said raising a brow. "oh well.. he stutters a lot and he doesn't like talking to other people then me because he's afraid that people will make fun of him." danny said. "well we wont make fun of you roy, well robin might." "hey!" robin said before everyone laughed but roy. he just smiled.

oh wow almost 1000 words! i hope you enjoyed the chapter see you next time my little foxes

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