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Y/n pov :

Things have been very hectic lately, I barely get any time to spend with Minie and Grandpa.

We have only been seeing each other for dinner and breakfast for the last few weeks. The reason?


Y/n pov :

" Let's go to the park today!! " demanded Chim.

" Okay, okay we will. Happy? " I asked to which he snuggled more into me.

We are lazing around in our bedroom cause it's Sunday and he is hugging my tummy, this is his newly-found habit.

He loves cuddling I knew that from
the very start but nowadays he doesn't leave my waist alone for a bit when I am sleeping or taking a nap.

According to him, I am very fluffy. No complaints though cause I love his attention just like he loves mine.

Later that same evening~

" Are you happy now? " I questioned Chim who was busy eating his ice cream.

" Yes, very happy. " He answered making me smile widely.

I ruffled his hair and held his hand. Both of us headed towards Grandpa who was sitting on the bench nearby.

" Are you both enjoying?? " Asked Grandpa to which we nodded and replied " Very much "

He smiled looking at us and said
" Good, enjoy as much as can because Y/n is going to get busy from tomorrow. "

" Me? Why grandpa? " I asked.

" Cause you are going to work in another department. " He answered.

" Oh? I didn't know that. " I said.

" You are going to work in every department for one week so that you can learn how everything works. " He said.

" Oh, okay grandpa. Then am I supposed to choose one at the end? " I questioned.

" I will tell you about that when the time comes. " said Grandpa, so I didn't insist on getting answers.

" But Grandpa is one week enough for
  a department? " I asked.

" Uhm....first tell me how was work for the past week? Did you face any problems? " He asked.

" Yes, some minor ones but Kook oppa helped me with them. " I answered.

" There's the answer. " said Grandpa making me confused.

" Huh? " I said.

" I told you before too that you know everything needed and all you have to do is learn about where and how to apply that knowledge and for that one week is enough, you proved it yourself. " He stated while I scratched the back of
my neck.

" Okay, Grandpa, fighting!!! " I said to make myself feel confident while Grandpa giggled and Chim got startled by the sudden excitement in my tone.

One of the best things about Minie is that
he never interrupts us when he gets to know that we are talking about something important or related to work. He stays quiet until we are done talking.

" Are you guys done?? Grandpa!!! You can't do this, you can't talk about work when I came here to play!!! " Complained Chim and made an angry face which was so adorable.

Both me and Grandpa laughed.

" Sorry, my bad. " said Grandpa.

End of flashback~

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