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Mr Park's pov :

" This is ridiculous! "
I yelled while sitting in my office.

" How can someone be so brutal?
Is he even a human? " I mumbled.

" How ridiculous can a person be? "

Not getting anything, are you? Let me explain-

So I did a background check on Y/n to know about her and her family. And it can't be worse, that poor soul is suffering all alone just because of her monstrous dad, I can't even call him a human,
I mean which type of father treats
their daughter like he does.

She is adopted but still, she is a person, not a dummy to treat her the way he wants.

I pity her, I am sure that she is the one for my grandson but for now I want her to get out of that hell she is stuck in and
I exactly know what to do.


Y/n pov :

I will get my old wounds renewed today.
That's because I haven't arrived home yet and of course, he must be waiting there for his dinner. I got stuck because my co-worker was late *sigh*.

I am still stuck with him because there are 3 days left until I receive my salary.
Then for sure, I will be free from him.

Time skip ~

I opened the door to enter the house and to my surprise, all the lights were on,
I mean he prefers them off so why this change?

" Y/n, dear come here "
His voice bought me out of my previous trance to throw me inside a new one.

Why in the world is he acting so sweet
all of a sudden?
Is it my last day on earth!?

No, God! I want to live, please I beg you.

" Y/n " He again called.

And I went towards the living room not wanting to anger him by disobeying him.

" Yes, Appa? "
I said with a questionable tone.

I ran my eyes through the room only to find an old man sitting with my dad. But wait! I know him, he is the one who came to the cafe.

But why would he come here?

" Greet Mr. Park" said Appa.

" Hello, sir. " I said and bowed to him.

He smiled at me and said
" Hello, how are you? "

I looked at him perplexed. By his answer, it's sure that he remembers me too. But why is he here?

" I-i am fine, how about you sir? " I asked.

" I am also doing good just like you. " He replied.

I sighed internally and thought
" I wish no one is doing as fine as I am,
if this is what we call fine than
it's better to be in a bad condition. "

I gave him a small smile and nodded
my head.

" Y/n, sweety won't you get him something to eat? " said Appa.

" Aani - " Before Mr Park could complete his sentence I immediately left for the kitchen and served some of the snacks that I brought last weekend.

I placed the plates on the table and stood there.

" Take a seat, Y/n, Mr. Park and I have something to talk about " said Appa.

I nodded my head and settled down beside him.

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