Chapter II *edited*

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3rd Pov

As Kaiser was getting ready for his long trip to Azur Lane, which is in Eagle Union territory in
Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. As i was good looking Naval uniform. I found my World War One uniform when Kaiser William the 2nd gave me a false name before the my memorial Battle of Jutland under the name of Franz Von Hipper. So He starts to have the once beard, once finished he got into his uniform.
He looked into a mirror and checked everything, nodding before leaving the room.

Be began to pack his shaving equipment, and the clothes to wear into a small suitcase and headed out his forever home before his exile

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Be began to pack his shaving equipment, and the clothes to wear into a small suitcase and headed out his forever home before his exile. And closed the door with all the lights off and headed off and walked an Vauxhall D-type or simply the "25hp" a famous car in 1915 for the higher ups, like myself during the Great War.

 And closed the door with all the lights off and headed off and walked an Vauxhall D-type or simply the "25hp" a famous car in 1915 for the higher ups, like myself during the Great War

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As He started the car, As he dove off the south eastern docks. As many people waved at him as he waved back to them smiling as he passed them, as workers worked hard building new buildings. As he got to the south east dock as he parked the 25hp, and stepped out, As Kaiser was met by commander Armstrong as she with a cargo ship, a battleship and two cruisers. As Amelia walked up to him and greeted

Amelia: I'm glad you made it.

Kaiser: I wouldn't miss it, for the world of course.

Amelia: Of course, I would like to introduce some of the ship girls here I brought. *whispers into Kaiser ear* even though they may kill you.

Kaiser: *whispers* let them try. (Out loud) may you introduce me to these fine women here.

As a few blush on their faces, but didn't show it.

Amelia: The first is HMS King Arthur, a Vanguard-class battleship.

As a young woman about 5'7 with white blond hair, and yellow eyes, on her head was a black crown like a dragon's, she had black shoulder pads and dark armored arms to her hands as her under breast was showing, and around her waist the black armor was around her thighs, as she had black long stocking up to thighs as her knees to her feet where also in a black Armor, but she a also had a black scaly tail through just passed her bottom.

Old Kaiser of Azurlane Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant